Chapter Two

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I wake up to an annoying beeping noise. I groan then jump out of bed remembering that it will be my first day of school! Well, it'll be a first day of school for everyone, in since I'm starting with everyone else, in September. I had stayed in the castle for the whole summer so I could hang out with everyone before I left. 

I pull on some skinny jeans and a white crop top with a galaxy cross on it. I french braid the back of my head, then pulling it up in a high pony and I slip on some black pumps. Once statisfied with my look I add a little makeup. Finally I grab my back pack and walk to school, skipping breakfast because I didn't feel hungry. 

As I walk up to the school, I'm surprised to find so many people on the school grounds. As I walk by the people, I get lots of whistles from the boys, making me self concsious. I quickly walk into the school to grab a time table and all that blah, blah, blah. 

As I walk in the office lady is busy doing work. Her poofy red hair in ringlets all around her. 

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello... Alexandra Nights, right?" She asks.

"Yes." I smile. 

"Here, your locker, locker combination, school map and time table. Have a good first day!" She says before turning back to her work.

"Thanks." I say before heading out. I look at the school map and groan as I see how big the school really is. 

"Look! There's Alex!" I hear a familar voice. I turn to see Kathleen and a group of werewolves.

"Hey Kath!" I smile, instantly feeling like that should be her nickname.  

"So, Alex these are my friends. Jenna, Wesley, Jack and my best friend Alison." Kath says pointing to each of them in turn. Jenna and Jack look related, both with brown straight hair and green eyes. Wesley with short, very short, black hair and brown eyes and Alison with long, wavy, red hair and stunning hazel eyes. 

"Hey, I'm Alexandra." I smile. 

"Wait... the Alexandra?" Alison asks. 

"What do you mean, the Alexandra?" I ask. 

"Princess Alexandra, daughter to King Aslin and Queen Marie, from the fairy and mermaid realms." Alison explains. 

"How'd you know?" I ask with a gasp. 

"I'm the Alphas daughter... my dad knows your parents." Alison explains. 

"Oh." Is all I reply with. 

"Wait, so you're like, literally a princess?" Kath gasps.

"Yeah." I nod.

"So what's it like living in a castle?" Jack asks. That's my whole first day, answering questions in between classes about the fairy and mermaid realms. Although, I rarely go to the mermaid kingdom so I don't know a lot to what it's like. Daddy never wanted me to see myself as a human, so he got a witch to teleport us to his kingdom. 

School is actually sort of fun... so far...


Scratch that. School is not fun. On the first day I've been bombarded with homework. 

I walk into my house dropping my school bag onto the ground and falling into the couch. I end up falling asleep, then and there. 

"Wake up idiot." I hear someone say shaking me hard. I roll over and fall to the floor. I look up to see Kath laughing her head off.

"What?" I whine. 

"Hello? You said to come over at four so we could do our homework together. I invited myself in." Kath says smiling.

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