7 - ⚠ Show Me Love ⚠

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Brooklyn's POV:

Drew and I were at my Grandma's house. My Grandma is still doing Lawyer stuff. So I took Drew's Hand and went into my Mom's old bed room. Drew smiles at me and locks the door. He comes close to me and kisses me putting his hands on my lower waist. I kiss back putting my arms around his neck.

He takes off my sweater and my bracelets. Then he kisses my scars. He slowly unbuttons my jeans and takes them off. I take off his shirt taking a good look at his six pack. I take off his pants and lay on the bed. He lays on top of me kissing me. I kiss back smiling a little.

He says, "You ready?" I nod. He takes off his boxers and my underwear. He goes in me causing me to Moan Loudly. He says in his sexy voice, "Baby Shhh!"

Our lips connect and he goes deeper in me. I break the kiss and moan. Then I start crying as he continues, "Drew it hurts. Stop! Please?" He calms me down by kissing me.

"Don't worry. You'll get use to it," Drew says quietly. We kiss again. After a while it didn't hurt. Then I hear Drew Moan. I moan again.

"Baby?" I ask kissing him.

"Yes?" Drew said.

"You're my first," I say. I kiss his lips. He smiles, "Your my First time too." Then we keep kissing. He grinds on me lightly.

"Drew just go faster!" I respond. He goes faster causing both of us to moan. Then we kiss. We spend most of the time making love.

*Later that day*

Drew's POV:

Brooklyn and I went back to my house. We were talking about the things we use to do together. Holding hands. We go inside my house. We let go of each other's hands. I yell, "We're Back!"

Our Mother's Come in and hug us both. Savanna asks, "How was the movie?"

"It was an okay movie. It was a cheesy one but... It was okay," Brooklyn said.

My Mother asks, "What movie did you two see?"

"My Life to you. This famous author Kalina Ray wrote the book. It was so good I loved it," Brooklyn says. Our Mothers smile.

"I'm glad you had fun Brooke," Savanna says. They go back into the family room and there watching a movie. They finished dinner. Our Dad's Still gave us the look like we were lying. I whisper in Brooklyn's ear, "I'm going upstairs." She nods and stays downstairs with her family.

What Brooklyn and I did earlier still replaying in my head. The kisses. The making love. I smile thinking about it. Then all of a sudden I hear my Mother say, "It was so nice having you here Savanna." I run downstairs.

"Yeah thanks for the dinner," Savanna replied.

I go downstairs. I hug Daniel first and then Brooklyn. She hugs back and whispers, "See you tomorrow." I nod and we let go. Then they leave. I run upstairs until I hear, "Drew!"

I go back downstairs and I ask, "Yes Mom?" Scared about what she's going to say.

"Can you put these dishes in the dish washer please?" I nod. I do as told and then go upstairs. I still replay what Brooklyn and I have done. I smile and then fall asleep.

Brooklyn's POV:

My Dad is giving me a look like I did something bad. I mean I don't blame him. He's my Dad, he's supposed to be protective over me. When we get into the house. I don't have to do no dishes. I go upstairs and lay in my room.

I hear a knock on my door, "Come in!"

My Dad comes in, "Did you and Drew Actually go see a movie?"

"Yes Dad. We actually went to go see a movie," I respond.

"I think your lying to me Brooke. You've never lied to me. You never go off with a boy to watch a 'movie'. I was a teen once too. I've done the same thing but with Savanna. The love of my life. I meant it when I say that too. I'm a guy. Andrew and I think you and Drew did something which I hope you didn't do Brooklyn..." He paused and took a deep sigh, "If I find out... Never mind. I'll talk to Andrew Becker. Brooklyn Rose Blake just don't lie to me again." I nod looking down at the ground.

I stand up knowing my Dad was gonna give me a hug. He hugs me I hug back, "I love you Brooke. I don't wanna lose you. That's all."

"I love you too Dad. It's okay your supposed to be protective," I say. He lets go and leaves my room. I go into the bathroom and lock the door. I stripped down and start the water and then take a shower. I sigh and think about last night.

I do my normal night routine and fall asleep.

If you guys/girls can figure out what happened. In the first on book Savanna or Justin said 'I take my/he takes off his boxers...' Continue it if u can. Don't forget to Vote and Comment 😊❤

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