18 - I'm Sorry

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Drew's POV:

I walk downstairs to get Brooklyn a glass of water. Than I see Savanna. I say, "Oh Hello Mrs. Blake was getting Brooke a glass of water."

Than behind her is My Mom and Dad. Oh no... Andrew says, "Can we talk to Drew for a minute?" Savanna nods and gets the glass of water for Brooklyn.

"Drew I'm Sorry."

"For what?"

"For saying those things..."

"I had to hear that I'm a disappointment from my own Father. My own hero I looked up too. Now I see you as nothing..."

"We didn't mean no harm for you and Brooklyn." My Mom says.

"I chose to run away from home. To harm myself... I've never understood cutting. But no I do..."

"Drew don't tell me you did?" My Mom asked. I lift up my sleeves. Brooklyn comes downstairs and sees. I pull down my sleeves. She says, "Drew..." Than Brooke ran outside. Tears slowly start going down my face. "Dad its all your fault." I run after Brooklyn.

Brooklyn's POV:

I ran all the way to the park. Drew ended up catching up to me. Drew yells, "Brooklyn stop!" I stop and sit down.

I say, "So you chose to never tell me?"

"Brooklyn I-" I cut him off. "Drew I don't want to hear it. How long have you been cutting?"

"Three weeks..." Brooklyn starts crying. "Don't do that." I hug her. She hugs me back. Brooklyn and I walk to the movies. She and I went to watch My Heart to you. The second movie to My Life To You.

*After the movie*

Brooklyn and I walked to her house. I just let out, "I'm sorry... It was my fault. I was stupid for cutting myself. I learn to do better Babe." I get down on one knee. "Brooklyn will you be my girlfriend?"

Brooklyn's POV:

Drew gets down on one knee. "Brooklyn will you be my girlfriend?" That is the most surprise of ever gotten today. I've been dreaming of this moment. "Yes I would love to be your girlfriend Drew." He smiles and gets up and connects his lips to mine. I smile into the kiss. Than I pull away. We walk back home.

Old Bullies ( The 3rd Book to Why Bully Me Series)Where stories live. Discover now