13 - Your in a Dream

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Justin's POV:

Where am I? I thought. Then I see an older version of Savanna's Sister Brooklyn. See says, "I'm your fairy god mother. You probably heard your daughter talking right?"

"Yeah of course. Why am I here? Why is it so dark?"

"Your in this thing called a simulation. I will take you back in time where you were 16 years old. Savanna was with Reed. You wished you never had Brooklyn. So guess what? You are going to see things. Reed doesn't die. You never ended up with Savanna. You became 20 years too late. I already died. Reed and Savanna have been together for 5 months now. When you are alone. You have my necklace. All you got to do is call me."

"Wait! What do I do?" I turn around and see Brooklyn again. I fell on the ground.

"The same things happen. Once you learned your lesson. You can come back to earth. If you don't you go up in earth or deal with a punishment good luck!" Then she disappeared on me. I look the same but I'm in Savanna's house. Okay so uh.. I got to figure this out. I hear someone coming down the stairs and run into the kitchen then I hear someone say, "Ooh Careful Justin. I don't want to destroy my famous walking tacos." Oh now I remember. Dinner with Reed and Savanna. Then I turn and see Reed and Savanna kissing.

Savanna says, "Hey Justin!" She hugged me. I said, "I'm so glad your here. What's going on?"

"Were having dinner with my boyfriend Justin. Did you not remember?"

"Uh... Sure I-I forgot." Then we ate and everything. A few minutes later I was in Savanna's Balcony.

I hold the necklace and call Brooklyn. "Not happy. It's only been 5 hours."

"Justin. You have to go through this journey. You wanna go back to earth don't you?"

"Yes I miss my daughter!'

"Your daughter doesn't exist in this world yet. But if you still make it by the time your 34 you will learn your lesson." Brooklyn said. "I got to go. Call me when you get the chance."

"Justin who are you talking to?" Savanna asked.

"Uh... no one."

*Two Days Later*

I've gone through this journey so fast Reed is 20 I'm 20. Savanna is 19. She doesn't live in Minnesota. She lives in LA with Reed. Oh no! Oh my god. She's going to be pregnant. I never had sex with Savanna in the first place.

I call Brooklyn. She says, "Wow haven't seen you in years. Just kidding it's only been two days. How was ur journey?"

"Horrible. How much longer do I have to be?"

"Until your 34. You will realize some emotions. You've been in this hospital bed for 3 days now. But you won't have a family anymore if you give up the journey."

"Well I bet Savanna and Reed are going to come here and tell us the news. I don't know what to do."

"You have two-five more days to keep exploring this journey Justin." Then she disappears.

*One day later*

Savanna has called me. That's great. I know what this news is now. I'm totally happy. Bethany and I are sitting in the living room.

"You seem kinda down. Everything okay?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure hon. What's going on?"

"Have you ever said and done something you regret?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like.. you said something and did something really bad. Then you go back in time and life changes?"

"I feel like that sometimes. That I wish Brooklyn never of died. I mean Brooklyn had the biggest crush on you. But she found out you didn't like her that way cause you loved Savanna. It came to an end."

"Oh" I just stay there. Reed and Savanna come in.

Savanna says, "I'm pregnant... I'm also getting married to Reed."

I stand up and run out the door. This isn't happening. I start crying and run into the woods. Why is this happening to me?!

*Seven years later*

I'm in the hospital room. Danny died of Lung Cancer 8 years ago. Danny says, "Justin?"


"What are you going to do?"

"You mean about Savanna and Reed?"


"Got to let them live there life. I never got what I wanted."

"If you ever have a son. Name the kid after me. Please?"

"Of course." He started singing songs like back in the old days. I sing with him and start crying.

"I love you Justin. Remember I'm always in your heart. Always." Then he fell asleep and never woke up.

Old Bullies ( The 3rd Book to Why Bully Me Series)Where stories live. Discover now