21 - Years later

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Brooklyn's POV:

This is it. Today is graduating day. The day Drew and I finally leave high school. I could of graduated in my Junior year because I was so ahead. I didn't have to take Biology and World History when I was in summer school freshman year because I wanted to get ahead. Also my parents had the money and were glad that I was ahead from most of the freshman at my school. Now I'm gonna be a freshman in College. I'm only going to college for two years and than go sing at concerts like I have since the 6th grade when my Mother heard me singing so apparently I have a manager now. She's really sweet. As I was saying about graduating. I'm still 17 years old but I'm glad to graduate with my class this year. The class of 2032. There super sad now that I will be moving out of the house with Drew and Cecilia my daughter whose five years old now.

That's when I heard my Principal say, "Brooklyn Rose Blake." Than I hear loud cheering coming across the stage. I laughed and went up to get my high school diploma saying that I did it. I survived through high school and now my parents can finally throw me out of the house now. Yes I've gotten to travel and stuff thanks to my Mother. I walk up and get my diploma and than take some pictures after I walk off the stage and I smiled knowing this was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I go back to my seat than I hear, "Drew Alexander Becker." he smiled at me and than walked up to get his diploma. Than they named the rest and the horns went off. Some of us threw our hats in the air and sprayed silly string. Our parents and child came down and found out. We were looking for them until we heard, "Mommy! Daddy!" We turn around and saw Cecilia and our parents running after her. Drew picked her up, "Ah my sweet girl." My Mom and dad hugged me. My Dad was crying his eyes out as I can tell, "Your all grown up." I stay in an awe moment. Than Daniel came over to me and said, "I love you Brooke..." We hug and he said, "Nothing will be the same that moment you leave to go to college." I stay in an Awe moment. Daniel usually is never nice to me. I men ever since he started puberty he's been a butt. He also dated two girls at once I told him that it's Karma it's going to come back right in the back so there's not a lot you can do about it.

I noticed that Brittany and Margaret were watching Drew and I. I kissed him, he kissed back. Drew and I both look Brittany flipped her hair in Margaret's face and shashade away. Drew rolled his eyes and laughed. I don't understand why they are jealous of us. I mean Drew and I have a daughter. Drew smiled and said, "I love you." That was the third time he ever told me he loved me. It was problematic but it happened. I said, "I love you too." That is a moment of truth. That was our happy ending. Having a life and child together.  

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