8 - Awkward...

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Drew's POV:

It's the next day at school. I'm in my first period and I couldn't focus. Then my Teacher Mrs. Star says, "Drew? Do you mind telling the class about where Liechtenstein is?"

I stop my thoughts and everyone is looking at me, "It's in Germany right at the Rhine River Ma'am."

"Good. Next time pay more attention in my classroom Mr. Becker," Mrs. Star said. I nod. Then my thoughts go back to Brooklyn. I think about how soft her lips were, how gentle she touched my bare skin. 

Then the bell rings. My Friend Colton asks, "Dude you okay?"

"I'm fine," I say.

"You haven't payed attention. You couldn't even focus this morning at Breakfast," Jordan says.

"I'm okay," I say. I see Brooklyn, "I'll catch you guys later." I run to Brooklyn.

"Brooklyn?" I run to her.

"Hi Drew." Brooklyn said.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask.

"I'm going to Science Class Drew. You and I have the same class, Remember?" She asks. I simply nod.

I pull her into an empty classroom and I whisper, "I can't stop thinking about last night."

She replies with a whisper, "Than don't think about it."

"No, I can't. It was my first time, Brooklyn.... I know you can't stop thinking about it," I respond. She sighs, "Our Dad's Probably think we did something wrong or stupid." I nod.

"Than act like nothing happened," Brooklyn said.

"I know you think about it too Brooke," I say.

"I do. Just try and ignore it," Brooke says. I shake my head and she heads to class. A minute later Jordan says, "I seen you talking to Brooklyn. What was that all about?"

"Nothing," I walk out of the empty room and head to class. The only seat that isn't taken is the one next to Brooklyn. I head to the seat and sit by her. The whole class is watching us.

Mrs. Brink walks in, "Okay Class today..." She looks at us.

"Drew don't you sit by Jaden?"

"Not really. I sit here now," I smile. Brooklyn rolls her eyes.

"Okay Class today we are going to do a project. It's a presentation about what you know about Chemicals. I know it's cheesy but your desk partner is who you'll be working with," Mrs. Brink replies.

Brooklyn whispers back in my ear, "You didn't have to do that."

I whisper back, "I had to." I smile. I put my hand on her leg and softly rub it.

*45 Minutes later*

Mrs. Brink says before we rush out, "This project involves going to your partners house so enjoy this. This Project is 40% of you're grade."

Everyone in the class groans but me and Brooke. Jordan is at the door waiting for me. Brooklyn walks out first and then I am the last one in the class the minute the bell rings.

Jordan says, "Dude. So you bully Brooke and now you talk to her?"

"Yeah we're doing a project."

"It doesn't seem like a project Drew!" Then we leave the class room.

*After School*

I walk Brooklyn home. And we talk for a while. I love it when were not on school grounds and we can just talk.

Brooklyn says, "Thanks for the Walk home."

"No Problem. Bye Babe," I kiss her cheek and leave.

Old Bullies ( The 3rd Book to Why Bully Me Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora