{D R E A M}

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"This is too much work!"

I rub my temples and close my eyes in hopes to calm my nerves down. A frown settles into my forehead as I rethink the physics problem I had to solve.

"What do you mean, 'gravitation can't be forced to change direction unless there is a magnetic impulse'? Then what do all those birds do? Send out magnetic impulses? No, they fly!", I exclaim in frustration.

"Hey, hey! Calm down. The book didn't do anything to you.", my roommate, Sam, says and laughs out loud.

Well, I am sitting on my bed and holding my physics book upside and shaking it vigorously as if the answers are gonna come out. That's why it's so funny to her.

"Ha, ha. Very funny.", I say unamused, "can't you at least help instead of mocking me?"

"You know, I'm not doing well either. Ask a nerd or something.", she said holding up her hands.

I groan in frustration and fall back down on my pillow. Taking the pillow under my head and stuffing it on my face, I scream into it.

"Jeez, calm down! You just gave me a mini heart attack!", she exclaims in surprise.

"I'm sorry. I am just having a really bad day today.", I said and folded my arms on my chest.

"Aww.", Sam says as she comes over to me, " come here. Let me hug out your hatred towards physics. There, there."

I give in and lean myself towards her chest. She always knows how to put my nerves down a few notches. So that I can at least think again.

"Thanks, Sam. So glad to have you.", I say sincerely.

"Always welcome.", she says and smiles widely, "Now. I gotta go to Ray and Charles. We need to study for biology. Wanna come?"

"No, thanks. I got my hands full with physics already.", I say with a small smile.

"You can do it. I know you are smart, you will figure it out soon enough.", Sam said and walked over to her jacket and put it on. She took her keys and wallet with her as well as her bag full of biology stuff.

"Thanks. Now, go. Don't let them wait.", I say as I wave her outside.

"Jeez. Okay. Tryna get rid of me, aight?", Sam said jokingly.

I laugh a little and soon the door clicks close. Closing my eyes once again I try to do something I didn't do for a long time. Meditation.

Meditating is something I adored for a long time now. I always tried to do it when I felt like I was on the edge of falling over a cliff and right into doom. But I never got it quite right.

This time I am gonna focus fully to do it right.

Taking a deep breath I willed my muscles to calm down. With every breath I inhaled and exhaled, I tried to let go of every problem in the world. Soon I couldn't hear anything and couldn't feel my body. It was like I was floating. Floating high up in the sky. My problems slipped out of my hands and fell down into the pitch black void.

My thoughts only focused on one thing. Wings. Beautifully dark blue wings, like the midnight sky in winter. They had a silver shimmer in it, I couldn't quite touch them and they felt as light as just one feather. I loved the feeling of this. It made me very happy. I always dreamed of having wings since I could think. It felt like it was a part of me that I always wanted to understand.

Something pulled me back from my trance. My arms started to itch, but I couldn't move them. It soon went to burning and I tried everything to move my arms but they didn't react. My eyes were still closed and it took a hell of a lot out of me to open them. What I saw was mesmerizing me.

I had white, shimmering, swirls around my arms. I looked up and saw a shadow of something. Something familiar.

Getting up I inspected them further. They had a wing like shape.

Looking over my shoulder I saw two beautiful dark blue wings! They looked exactly the same as in my meditation. Does that mean, I did it right? Does that mean, I unlocked a part of me? How do I make them invisible again?

I thought of a way to make them go away. I tried everything, but they didn't go away. Then I saw a dark blue ribbon on my school bag and I had a feeling this would help. The urge to pick it up was very strong and I took it. Now what? My arms acted on their own as they put it around my neck and the shadows of the wings went away.

This is how I get them to be invisible? Wow. Are they still there though? I tried stretching my wings and they weren't stretching. Did I do something wrong? Suddenly, I see a white sticking note on my bag. Something was written in beautiful dark blue ink.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. I am still in your heart whenever you need me. Just take out the ribbon and I am free. Put it back on and I am covered from everyone but you."

That was creepy. I looked around for someone, who might have written it. But no one was there.

Okay? Maybe I am hallucinating. Yeah, that must be it.

My arms started to tingle again. The swirls were shimmering in a glittery white and I knew somehow, that this was their way of telling me that this is real.

I felt never this much at peace with myself. It was like everything found its place in my world.

I loved this feeling. It made my head clearer, made me more focused and my vision sharper. Guess, I don't need my glasses anymore. Have to wear my fake one's from now on to not make anyone suspicious.

Not even Sam.

This is gonna be hard, but I feel like I can do this.


This is Aria's wing color and shape

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This is Aria's wing color and shape.

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