{C O M I N G}

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[Aria's P.O.V.]


Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"I hope it's not him again.", Sky said and I realized we came very close to each other. This time I was the one that sported tomato-red cheeks.

"Who?", I asked back.


"Who is Rem?", I asked him confused.

"The captain of the Swim Team? Didn't you know his name?", he asked me.

"I don't pay attention to other teams. I have my book club and that's enough.", I said and shrugged.

"You have a book club?", he said and smiled smugly.

"Oh, stop it you! Yes, I read. Big surprise! Now, shoo! Answer the door!", I said and hid my face from him.

He chuckled and took my hands from my face.

"Hey, nothing to be embarrassed of. I think it's cute.", he said and smiled sincerily.

"UGH! STOP IT! I'm gonna turn into a red glowing tomato soon!", I said and laughed.

"That would be cute, too.", he said and took his hands away from mine. I didn't even notice he held them the whole time. "Thanks for making me happy again.", he said and smiled again.


He laughed out loud now and walked over to the door to answer it.

I watched him open the door and his face fell slowly into an angry look.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay away?", Sky said.

"Please, let me explain. Let me show you my-", the guy on the other side said. I sneaked a glance at him and remembered his hair from somewhere. Who is this?

"Rem. Don't. The joke is over.", Sky said and Rem looked at him with sad eyes. I went to the door and peaked under Sky's arm that he put on the door frame for support.

"Hi.", I said and looked at Rem, "I am Aria. Nice to meet you.", I said and held my hand up for him to shake. Suddenly Sky took my hand and said "You don't want to get to know him. He is a prankster."

"When will you believe me that I am telling you the truth? What does it take for me to tell you I am really me.", he said desperately and put his hands on his chest. He had tears in his eyes by now.

"Sky, can I talk to you for a second?", I said firmly. I couldn't bare to see Rem cry in front of me. He was clearly upset about something that happened recently.

"Okay. But make it quick. I wanna kick his ass out of my front porch.", he said.

"Why are you so angry? Let him tell you what he has to say. Keep a calm head. We can decide after he told us what we can do about him. Let him explain himself. He is clearly upset and crying right in front of you and you reject his explanation? Whatever happened, he has a right to explain his side of the story, got it?", I whispered to him but made sure he heard me clearly.

He sighed loudly in defeat and nodded silently.

We both went to the door.

"Come in, Rem.", I said and smiled at him. I offered him some tissues to wipe away the tears that fell down his cheeks. He wiped his nose, too.

"Okay, before you throw me out again-", he started but I interrupted him.

"You threw him OUT? Without letting him tell his story? Sky, that's not how you solve issues.", I said and looked at Sky. "Continue, please.", I said to Rem.

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