{E X P L A N A T I O N}

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Sky's P.O.V.

"You can sit here.", I said while showing to the stool next to the kitchen counter.

"Thanks. I know this sounds crazy, but my note said that you are a good angel from Aerius and-", Aria began talking but I interrupted her with a hand up in the air.

I walked to the other side of the kitchen counter and leaned my body against the drawer that was opened so I closed it absentmindedly.

"Wait. Calm down. Breathe in slowly.", I said and waited until she seemed to be calm.

"So you have wings and white swirls but you don't know what that means?", I asked her with furrowed eyebrows.

"No, I don't.", Aria said and looked expectantly into my eyes.

I started walking again and at first didn't go near her, so she wouldn't freak out more.

"It means you are an angel.", I said matter-of-fact. She seemed confused. Her eyes slowly went from left to right.

"So I am an angel.", she finally said, "and those dark blue wings are real and not a joke?", she asked me. Taking off the blue ribbon on her neck, her wings showed up.

"You don't need to take off the ribbon. I can see the wings, too.", I said.


"No! No, not like that. The second we talked to each other face to face I could see it. But I didn't want to freak you out more.", I said firmly.

"Oh.", Aria said. She looked around her as if she saw the apartment for the first time.

It had everything in white. White couch, white floor, white cushions, white table and so on. And it was always the same white. No slight differences in the white aesthetic. There were no pictures on the wall, but there was a strange clock also in white. It had no numbers, no arms, not even a ticking sound.

"Why do you have a broken clock on your wall?", Aria asked me.

"It's not broken. It's from Aerius. On Lehni, the sky island, there is a different timeline than what we have here. The time there is felt, not seen. When you touch it, you know what the time is. You don't need numbers to tell you the time.", I said while I was looking at her.

Aria stood up and walked to the clock. I immediately went after her and stopped her from touching it.

There was a burning sensation that overcame my arm. My white swirls glowed and seemed to burn my flesh. I let go of her and the burning stopped.

"Hey, Sky? What happened? Are you okay?", Aria asked.

Oh, no. I found my soul mate. This is what mom told me about. But of course, she couldn't have felt it. She had to be around an angel for long enough to get the same feeling.

"Yeah, yeah. I am alright. Don't worry.", I said and looked at my arm.

Aria took my arm again and looked at it intensely. Strangely it didn't burn anymore. It healed the burn.

"What just happened? Do angels heal faster?", Aria asked a little shocked.

"Normally not this fast. If you have a burn it heals in a day, but not in seconds.", I said.

"Really? That's strange.", Aria said.

"You don't seem upset about this whole angel thing. Are you okay?", I asked her and looked into her eyes. It's so hard to pull away from her eyes. The midnight blue is a really mesmerizing color and those eyes just make me feel so secure.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay.", Aria said and shrugged her shoulders, "it's just that I feel relieved, you know? Like, I knew there was something missing and now I feel like another puzzle piece just fit in? I don't know. I'm talking nonsense.", she dismissed her thoughts.

"It's perfectly understandable. I felt relieved when I saw that there is another one like me.", I said and came closer to her.

"Wait- there are more? Where are they?", she said confused.

"I wish there were more. You and me are the only one's left in the vicinity. The rest is hidden, we don't know where they are. We only get messages through the clock.", I said and sat on the couch's armrest. Should I tell her about The Wise? Is it time yet? No, probably not. I can tell her another time. I have to gain her trust at first or else she won't believe me.

"So, there is just you and me? No other angels here? I thought-", Aria said and stopped.

She sat on the stool again. She took the ribbon and put it on her neck. We sat there for a few seconds lost in our own thoughts. Me thinking about Aerius and Aria thinking about something else.

Suddenly I heard a sob. Aria was crying.

"Aria? Why are you crying? What's going on?", I asked and went up to her to check up on her.

"I thought I would have a family again. I lost my mom and my dad. I don't know how I lost them, because they wouldn't tell me. But I lost them.", she said and tried to repress the tears, "but why am I even saying this? I'm sorry, I'll go now. You have probably better things to do than to console a girl."

I held her back from going, "No, please. Don't hold back. You had this feeling for a while now, I can tell. And I am not a douchebag to let you cry on your own. That's not nice. Here sit on the couch. I'll make you hot chocolate.", I said and brought her to the couch so she could sit. I took out a blanket and gave it to her, so she could cover herself while she was sitting.

"Thanks.", Aria barely whispered, but I heard her.

"You're welcome, Aria.", I said and began making hot chocolate in the kitchen.

I'm gonna make her feel safe and loved. Everything for my soul mate just to be happy again.


Long time no see. I wrote this chapter just today. :) Media: Aria Halley by Katherine McNamara.

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