{S U R P R I S E}

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"Now what?", Rahab said to Rem. He looked at his eyes searching for an answer as if it's written in them like an open book. They both stood in front of Sky's door, contemplating whether getting in would be a good idea or not.

"I'm gonna knock now.", Rem said and looked at the door and then back to Rahab. He squeezed his hand tight.

"I think I should hide for now.", Rahab said and quickly made his way to the side of the door. Rem stopped him. "No, come here. I wanna make sure your safe and fine."

"Okay, but hold me close. I don't wanna die this way.", Rahab said and hugged Rem.


Someone out there?

Why are you asking whether someone is out there?

Hello? We are at war now? Of course I'm going to ask who is out there.

What if it's Rem though? Let's see who it is.

Okay, but please let the door chain in.

Okay. Here we go.

The door opened partly to reveal Sky's half face. He looked a little scared but remained still. Keeping his distance from the door he just peaked outside. When he saw Rem he sighed.

"By the Angel, at least say who you are, Rem. We got scared.", Sky said and closed the door. The chain was taken out of the lock and Sky opened the door again. This time widely.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who is this?", Sky closed the door a little again. Rem put his foot in front of the door to stop it from shutting.

"I can explain.", Rem said and looked at Sky. He was examining the other person's body closer and gasped.

"YOU! Your hair! The ponytail! The cloak! The white cloak!", Sky exclaimed and tried shutting the door but Rem's foot made it nearly impossible to do so.

"WAIT! LOOK!", Rem said loud enough for Sky to halt in his actions and look closer. He revealed his arm. The swirls were in the open. He had amber and green colored swirls. All intertwined and moving slowly in rhythm.

"You found your mate. So? What does it matter right now?", Sky said and tried it again.

"No, really LOOK!", Rem said and pulled Rahab's arm forward. Sky saw the same colors intertwined and couldn't believe what he just saw.

One of The Wise was Rem's mate?

"Is this a joke to you? Have you tricked us, manipulated us?", Sky threw his hand in between the partly opened door space. "How could you do this to us, Rem? We trusted you. I trusted you! I should've never let you in.", Sky said and tried again.

"Sky Altair."

Someone said behind Rem. Rahab turned around but there was no one. Sky looked around to find the source of the voice.

"Try all you want. You won't find me. I am in your heads."

"Azriel?", Rahab said quietly. He looked down on his feet, scared eyes focused on the ground.

"Yes, my former darling.", Azriel said and laughed maniacally. The laugh echoed throughout their heads.

"Don't you DARE call me darling again.", Rahab said sternly and grit his teeth. He clutched Rem's arm and came closer to him. He half hugged, half stood in his place. Rem held his hand and kissed his head. His left hand swung over Rahab's shoulders and caressed his cheek.

"Don't worry. I won't anymore. You know those were empty words anyway.", Azriel said and laughed again. This time it was quieter.

"Get in.", Sky said and held the door open a little. Rem and Rahab looked shocked. They stood in front of the door like deer caught in headlights.

"Come on. Quick.", Sky then said and rushed them inside. The couple got out of their rigid position and ran inside. They quickly brushed off the snow on their shoulders.

"Now, listen to me.", Sky said and pointed to his head.

He can't hear us anyway.

They all nodded with their heads. Aria came close and hugged Sky close. She pleaded with her eyes for a plan and was looking afraid into the space around them.

Let's meet at the l-

White light as bright as the sun flashed all of a sudden. It blinded everyone's eyes and they all exclaimed a loud noise in shock.

A second later everyone was separated and in a big white room that didn't look like it had an end. Everone looked at each other at first and tried running to their significant others, but they crashed into an invisible wall . Sky screamed in Aria's direction but she couldn't hear what he said. Rem looked at them and turned to Rahab and put his hand on the wall to be close to him.

Sky hit hard on the wall but it didn't budge. Aria looked around and saw no one else but Sky, Rem and Rahab. The space which she was in was unusually too silent. It felt unsettling to her. Like something creeped inside of her. A cold shudder traveled down her spine.

"Do the blue flames!", Sky tried again. He hit once again but she couldn't hear him. He fell on the floor. His wings fell down to cover him completely. White feathers loosing their glow as he fell down. He leaned on the wall and sobbed his heart out. "We're gonna die.", he mumbled under his breath and just couldn't stop his tears from falling.

Aria looked into the space where everyone was trapped in again. Sky stood up again, tears still running down his face. He remembered something from an ancient book that he read once. Something that might save them all. Sky flapped around with his arms to get her attention. Aria saw something moving in the corner of her eyes and saw that Sky made weird moves in her direction, so she paid close attention to him.

He showed to his hands and made a watch me move with his index finger and middle finger and turned to her direction. So, she figured out she had to look at his hands.

Sky put his right thumb in his palm. His other fingers remained still and straight. And then he made a whooshing motion with his hand. Aria tried understanding him but this just seemed like a Charades game that she might fail.

Then it made click. Didn't she once see a sign language video on the alphabet? So, this was "b" apparently. But what did he mean with "b"?

Now he made a different motion. He spread out his fingers on both of his hands and moved them up and down in a circle motion.

That weirdly looked like how fire would behave when it's open.

Shit. He means my power.

I nodded to him to signal him that I understood. He looked relieved and collapsed to the floor.

I went into position. Then, as if on cue, the whole room went black. Only I was highlighted.

"Aria Halley."

She looked up and saw someone with long white hair and light blue eyes look down at her. The person had dots on their feet in a pattern that she didn't understand. The light went white again and she blinked a few times in surprise.

She looked passed the person and saw a row of Angels, worn down with ripped out cloaks in different colors along the color spectrum. Sky, Rem and Rahab were also in the row. All of them were in shackles. All of them were on their knees.

"Looks like you are alone now.", the person said, "I am Azriel if you hadn't recognized already."

She looked back up at the person.

Don't worry, guys. I know exactly what I am gonna do. I will save us all.

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