{A R I E L}

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[Sky's P.O.V.]

"Okay. Now we need to make a plan.", I said and looked sternly at Rem. I put my hands on my back and squared my shoulders to start concentrating better.

"Yeah. I can tell you everything that I know about Azriel and Rahab.", Rem quickly offered.

"Which one has the ponytail?", I asked him and gestured with my finger to my head.

"How do you know one of them had a ponytail?", Rem asked suspicious.

"I saw the visions.. Images.. they showed me you and two other people in white robes. So, who has the ponytail?", I said and waved my hand in continuation.

"Rahab has the ponytail.", Rem said.

"Okay, at least now I know who to address before I kill them.", I said in a rage that cooked slowly in my veins.

"Hey, hey. I know you are very angry, but we gotta concentrate. You have to get your head in the game, man!", Rem said and laughed like he made a joke.

"What's so funny about this?", I asked him in confusion and frowned my eyebrows.

"Wildcats? High School Musical? C'mon! Don't tell me you didn't watch the movies. They're a classic!", Rem said in disbelief. He had huge eyes.

"Maybe when we survive this hellstorm, we can watch together.", I said and sat down on my couch. I rubbed my temple. A headache was coming really slowly but it already pounded it's way to my temples.

"Hey, drink some water.", Rem said and offered a cup of water to me.

I didn't see him move or hear his steps at all. He just appeared right in front of me. And he took Aria's cup that was on the table. He didn't wear silent shoes, so how did he manage to go back and forth so effortlessly?

"No, thanks. I'll get my own.", I said and stood up slowly. I made my way to the counter and got my cup and rinsed it at first with fresh water and filled it with water once again to drink it. After finishing the cup I went to the couch again and saw that the cup was fuller than before. It was half-way full so, how did it get fuller? He didn't even walk to the counter with me to fill it up.


"Hey, you should drink some water, too. You must be thirsty.", I said and looked concerned. I faked it of course, but he didn't need to know that.

He nodded and drank from Aria's cup. I looked away right after he put it back to the table. Not even a second later I looked at the cup again and ta-da! He held his hand above the cup and adjusted the water level in the cup.

"AHA! YOU ARE A WATER BENDER!", I exclaimed and he looked confused.

"So, what? I didn't hide it. I am literally in the Swim Team. I literally bend water by swimming in it.", Rem said and I felt defeated. I thought I found a trick up his sleeve. Turns out I just stated the obvious.

"Sorry. I just got suspicious about you offering me water. You didn't walk so I was curious.", I said and looked at the floor.

"Hey, that's fine. Nobody from the Swim Team found out. Of course, you wouldn't have found out immediately. Besides, we are Angels-", he said and I interrupted.

"Well, you are a fallen angel. And you know you deserved that. But if you prove yourself worth of being an Angel again, we could replace your broken wings with real and healthy ones again. But you have to promise to never go that way again. And I mean NEVER.", I said firmly to him and pointed to his torso to make it clear that I am serious.

"Really? You could do that?", Rem asked hopefully.

"Well, I could try.", I said and smiled a little.

"Stop that.", Rem said suddenly.

"Stop what?", I asked. What is going on now?

"You smiled a little. That's my weakness.", Rem said quietly.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Couldn't help it. You were very hopeful, so I smiled.", I said and restrained a smile just to not trigger him in any way.

"Oh, well..we got off track. We should get back to making a plan.", Rem said and reminded our very important task.

"Yes, you can make a list of either Azriel and Rahab and I can contact the Angels to help us with their gifts.", I said and Rem nodded. He took the notebook that was beside the lamp next to the couch.

We got to our jobs and two hours later I rounded up about six Angels, who were willing to help, even with their fear clearly coming through our conversation. But I said that we had one protector called Ariel, which name of the Angel of Protection, and that convinced them instantly.

Rem made his list and gave it to me. We talked about weaknesses and strengths of both of the Fallen Angels and we started forming a plan.

"Okay, we can prepare this plan tomorrow, too. Do you know how much time we have left?", I asked Rem.

"Travel to Earth is about a week from today. But since they're going to rush through everything we might even have about four to five days for us to prepare.", he said and wiped his tiredness from his face. I could understand. We were facing a danger far more terrifying than we thought.

"You know, that we have to tell her that they'll come in about five days, right?", Rem said in concern.

"Yeah, I know. She will have to make do with the time to practice on her skills with her blue flames. And she has to go to a place that isn't of danger to her. So, one of us has to supervise her practice.", I said, "should I be that person?", I asked him.

"Yeah, she trusts you more than me. She has the connection to you, so the power will come sooner out of her.", he said and smiled at me.

"Yeah, you're right about that.", I said and nodded in confirmation. "Okay, see you tomorrow then." I slapped him on his shoulder in a goodbye kind of way.

He hugged me instead and said his bye.

Strange kid, this Rem. I chuckled after he closed the door.

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