{Z A R A L L}

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[Aria's P.O.V.]

Turning off the lights I closed the bathroom door quietly. I sighed loudly and walked back to the bed I was sleeping in only to get spooked by the one and only Sam.

"BOO!", Sam said loudly and I put a hand on my chest to breathe properly. Good thing I didn't scream.

"Did I scare you? I can't tell when you don't scream..", Sam asked confused.

"Er, yeah! You did.", I said shortly and went back to the bed. My phone was on the tablet next to the bed and I took it and put it into my back pocket. Not the safest place, but yeah, whatever.

"Hey, I'm gonna get some fresh air before I go home. It kinda stinks in here.", I said and walked outside.

"Should I come with you? Or do you want to be alone?", Sam asked carefully. She noticed I wasn't in the mood for humor right now.

"I'd like to be alone if that's okay with you.", I said and looked back at her.

She raised her hands in defeat and gestured to the door. I thanked her and walked out.

Outside the snow has kind of melted already. The grass looked muddy and not nice looking at all. Nature is reflecting my mood today, I see.

After some slow steps I walked up to Sky's door and rang. He immediately opened the door and ushered me in.

"Good that you're here early.", he said and brushed his hair away. He wore his pajamas which were a plain white color. No symbol or marks on them. Not even a brand displayed.

"Oh, wait. Let me change first.", he said and sported a slight reddish shade on his cheeks. I probably looked like a tomato by now. But I can at least blame it on the cold.

After changing into a gray t-shirt and a pair of jeans, he came up to me and asked how I was feeling.

"Oh, it's okay-ish. I just have a bad mood, that's all.", I said and shrugged, "but don't let it stop you from explaining. I am all ears."

I looked at him curiously, waited for him to answer, but nothing came.

"Let's sit first. This is gonna be a lot to take in.", he said and filled a cup with water. He gave it to me and I drank it. I put it down on the counter and walked to the couch. My body instantly slumped on the seat to the far right and I waited for him to answer while I closed my eyes. The couch was still very comfortable. I could lose myself in this. He sat, too.

He didn't start right away. I opened my eyes to see him sitting on the far corner of the couch and look at me intently. I sat up straight and he adjusted himself to be more comfortable and sat on the seat on the far left. He still had the reddish tint on his cheeks.

"Why are you still red? You already changed.", I asked him out of curiosity. He looked taken aback.

"I, uh, I don't know. It will go away soon, I guess.", he said and touched his cheeks. He looked like a tomato now. I had to laugh at the side since it looked kinda cute.

"Why are you laughing?", he asked and looked anywhere but at me.

"You looked cute with those tomato-red cheeks.", I said and smiled at him.

"Erm, okay? I guess?", he said slowly and smiled a little, too, but he covered it up immediately.

"Now, the explanation.", he began and was serious again.

"Yup. Shoot.", I said and gestured with my right hand to come with the story.

"Okay. I'll start from the beginning.", he began and looked like he was entering some long lost memory all over again.

"When I was adopted into my mother's family I was just a baby. My parents had given me away to them because they couldn't afford getting pregnant since they were very well respected workers of the royal family called Calmes. They were good friends with my adoptive parent's though. Nobody hated the royal family. They treated everyone with respect and love and kindness. But there were three men, who didn't like the way they treated the people. They thought that this was a doomed kingdom and soon took the matters to their own hands.

"I never saw them. I never knew how they looked like. I didn't even know they existed until they announced war to Aerius when I was 15 years old. They planned this war for 170 years and rumors were going around about a group of people, who might be very dangerous. They attacked everyone. Of course, my mothers never said anything to me. Just so I didn't worry about anyone. They kept this a secret from me but I'm not mad at them.

"What could I have possibly done? I couldn't be able to rescue any of the Angels that got attacked from 3 powerful men? They called themselves The Wise. And everyone knew them under that name only. Nobody knew their real names. Nobody needed to know since they took a lot of lives just to be able to build a new empire under their own names."

Sky was crying at this point. You could see how many years he has been keeping this secret without anyone knowing what was going on. He was hurting all by himself and I can imagine he felt relief by talking about it to another being. But I can also imagine him being in pain for reliving the awfulness of the attack happening.

"I was lucky to escape to Earth and hide myself here on campus. I was very careful to not reveal my last name. Zarall. I had to be careful since The Wise were looking for survivors. They were looking for us for quite some time now. They say that we could be possible destroyers of their new empire. They took some women hostage to build a new family already. They considered themselves as the new royal family."

I could see angry veins forming on his neck and forehead. He contained his anger very well, but any minute now and he could burst out.

"Hey, hey, hey.", I said softly to him. He looked at me with red eyes and shook his head to clear the anger out of his head. I touched his hand that rested on his knee and said "I'm here. I can't promise you that everything is gonna be fine but one day all of this anger will go and it will be replaced with love and beauty for your people."

"For our people.", he corrected me and looked me in the eye. I nodded at him absently.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"I hope it's not him again.", Sky said and I realized we came very close to each other. This time I was the one that sported tomato-red cheeks.

"Who?", I asked back.


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