{N O T H I N G}

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[Sky's P.O.V.]

I walked down the stairs to get to calculus but something caught my eye. I looked out of the window that was beside me and saw that snow fell down. Really thick snow. I must've missed it in the morning. I was somewhere else in my head.

I keep picturing a woman kissing Aria in my head. Which is okay, but why am I imagining it? Am I je-

"Hey, watch it, kid!", someone just said and it happens to be a member of the swimming team. Same hair, same physique, different hobby.

"Oh, if it isn't Mr. Snow White.", he said and slammed his hand on my right shoulder.

"We literally have the same hair color.", I said dead-panned.

"I know Mr. Snow White. I was just telling the obvious. Geez. Someone's got their pants on backwards.", he said and laughed a little too loud.

"Can you please leave me alone?", I said and looked out of the window. I couldn't turn all the way since Mr. Swim Team thought he has to look into my face again.

"Alone? Me? You?", he said confused.

"Yeah, me alone. You going away.", I said emphasizing every word with my finger pointing to each other.

"Are you sure you're not gonna miss my face?", he asked and looked at me curiously but with a smirk dancing on his face.

"Yeah, I am sure Mr. Swim Team.", I said to him.

"Oh, the boy has a nickname for me. Y'know, you could have picked 'Hot Guy' instead.", he said and laughed again.

"No, that would be a lie.", I said and tried turning again.

"So, you're saying I'm ugly?", he said and turned my back towards him again. Now he had a frown.

"No. Just not hot.", I said bored now.

"Oh, so, you DO think I am good-looking.", he said and smiled brightly but stopped right there. "Oh my god", he mumbled and looked outside the window.

I immediately looked outside, too, but there was nothing unusual.

"He said I'm good-looking.." I heard him mumble very quietly.

I turned around and saw that he had a reddish face. He saw me turn around, stared into my eyes like a deer caught in headlights and ran down the stairs.

"That was weird.", I said under my breath and shrugged it off.

I looked outside the window and tried looking closer now. I saw Aria playing in the snow with a girl next to her. She had brown hair that glistened in the sun, she was about 5'4" and she had a nice smile.

Suddenly I felt my nails biting into my hand too hard. I immediately let go and looked at the markings.

"Heeeeeeyy! Yo, S, what're you doing?", Aiden asked from afar.

I looked at him while he walked down the stairs "Nothing. Let's go to calculus."

"Hold it, Mr. Altair. Let's see what's out there.", he said and swung himself to the window.

"I told you already. Nothing.", I persisted and pushed him down the stairs.

Aiden pushed back and looked again "That's blue hoodie girl, isn't it? I see.."

"What do you see?", I asked, fully knowing what the answer is going to be, but I feigned innocence.

"You like like her!", Aiden almost screamed and pointed at him.

"No! No. I don't. Let's go. I don't wanna get on the bad side of Mr. Yun."

"Oh, yeah. You're right. Let's go. But I'm not gonna leave this here.", Aiden said and smirked like he triumphed already.

Looking outside for the last time, I shook my head and went downstairs.

I don't like her in that way. I can't.

I walked, passing by people but not paying attention to them at all. The pictures came again. The girl had a face now and it kept replaying in my head. It was a weird feeling. My chest tightened up and burned at the same time. My stomach felt weird, like it was churning up and I didn't know what happened. I never felt this before.

"Hey, S. Are you there?", someone from afar said. I realized my vision was blurry and forced my eyes to focus again and saw that I stood about 15 meters in front of the room and looked up.

"Sky? Are you alright? Should I take you to the emergency room?", Aiden asked concerned.

"What? What happened?", I said and looked around. Good thing nobody was around. I don't wanna bring attention to me. It would be dangerous for me. Since The Wise are still looking for us everywhere.

"You just stopped all of a sudden. Are you okay? Is your head spinning?", Aiden asked me and came closer but held his space from me. He knew better than to come closer. I didn't like close contact since that attack happened. I made it clear to him when I met him.

"Yeah, I..", I said and trailed off again. I saw Aria in front of me. Her eyes looking at me in a mysterious way, her blue wings spread out and her arms stretched out like she wanted a hug from me. All of a sudden she bled from everywhere. Small, little punctual red dots appeared on her blue hoodie she loved. Her eyes looking lifeless and her wings looking like she got ripped off of them. Her ribbon on the floor and her eyes getting teary. She fell down with her arms stretched wide open. She fell down and broke into a million pieces of dust. The dust went everywhere.

I couldn't breathe. My chest burned like hell. I looked down at myself and I had no injuries. My heart skipped a beat and sunk down like a rock. I fell down with my hands on the floor and started crying. I was sobbing and I couldn't stop. My world began spinning and I stopped feeling the pull I always felt when I was around her. There was nothing but emptiness. No connection left.

"SKY!", Aiden screamed, crouched down to my level and touched my shoulder. I threw his hand off of me. The tears just didn't stop

But then the feeling stopped. And I could breathe again. I stopped crying in confusion. I looked at my hands on the floor. Then up at Aiden and his face of concerns tells me he just witnessed me crying in front of him. I turned around and wiped my tears away.

"I think I should go home. I just had an episode. I think I got triggered. I'm sorry you witnessed this.", I said in a quiet voice.

"Hey, no", Aiden said in a soft, understanding voice, "I can understand. I'll just call you in sick. Take all the time you need. I know what traumas can do to you. My mother had them, too. Don't worry. This stays with me.", he said and smiled empathically.

"Thanks. I owe you.", I said after a while.

"No, you don't owe me anything. Now, go and rest.", he said and nodded his head in the direction of the stairs.

I nodded at him and stood up. I walked slowly to the stairs and walked up to go to the ground floor, when I was there I sprinted like hell to check up on Aria. I went to the same window but she wasn't there anymore. The brown-haired woman wasn't there either.

"I hope she is okay.", I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you say?", someone said behind me. It was Mr. Swim Team.

"Not now, Rem.", I said and waved him off.

I got turned around and Rem looked at me surprised. He held me for a few more seconds.

"You know my name?", he said in shock.

"Eh..yeah? Everybody knows it. Your team mates are practically screaming it into our ears.", I said nonchalantly and shrugged my shoulders.

"Wow... I thought you didn't pay attention to that. You called me Mr. Swim Team earlier so I assumed-", he rambled on.

"Not now, Rem. I mean it. I am busy right now.", I said and cut him off, but then I stopped.

"Wait - do you know what happened to the girl out there in the snow?", I asked him hopeful.

"Yeah, she went into the emerge-", he said but I already sprinted off and screamed a "thank you" after me.

I need to be there for her. I need to see her. I need to know. I need to know.

[A/N: Rem Newfield played by male model Lucky Blue Smith]

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