{T U R N E D}

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[Aria's P.O.V.]

"So, how do you get messages via the clock?", I asked Sky while I took the hot chocolate.

"I see it in a daydream-like state. After I touch it I close my eyes and see everything in dream-like scenes. When there is no message, I get nothing. But that hasn't happened. Yet.", Sky said and made himself comfortable on an armchair.

"You see it like a dream?", I asked him and took a sip.

"Yeah, sort of.", Sky said and smiled.

"What did you see until now?", I asked curiously.

"It's probably too much for you to handle right now.", Sky said and smiled apologetically.

"Why? Did something bad happen in Aerius?", I asked him putting the cup on the table.

"Yes, but let's not talk about that.", Sky hurriedly said, "so, when did it happen?"

"When did what happen?"

"You know, you having wings.", Sky asked slowly.

"Oh, that was yesterday? Or maybe the day before? I'm not quite sure. It all happened so fast. I was meditating because a physics question made me almost implode, so I tried meditation. I did that when I was younger whenever I felt like I am in a corner. But I never got it quite right.", I said quickly.

"Okay?", Sky said and leaned forward, "so, you meditated and got your wings.", he counted on his fingers.


"That's new.", Sky said thinking about something.

"Why? Didn't you get it like that?", I asked him.

"No, I was born with them.", Sky said and shook his head.

"Oh, so you are a born angel. And I am a turned angel?", I said pointing at him and myself.

"I wouldn't call it like th-"

"So, I am like a vampire! Or a werewolf! Wow. That's awesome! I always wanted to be turned into something.", I exclaimed happily.

"Well, you weren't bitten, so..", Sky said.

"Yeah, but I was human first and now I'm not.", I said.

"No, human beings don't get wings all of a sudden. That's impossible.", Sky said and vigorously shook his head.

"Maybe this is new, too?", I said and smiled brightly. I took my cup from the table and took another sip.

"No, you actually gotta have angel blood to be an angel. Human beings can't get angel blood all of a sudden.", Sky said and looked at me.

"Oh, okay.", I said and looked defeated. That would've been so awesome, though...

"Look, if you want to you can stay here and watch a movie or something.", Sky asked me.

"Oh, no. I don't wanna be too much trouble.", I weakly smiled and got up, "I'm leaving anyway."

Sky immediately got up and came over to me. "Why? Did I do something wrong? Besides, where are you going? It's afternoon and it's about to get dark."

"Erm, no. You didn't do anything wrong. You were very kind. Thanks for that.", I said and smiled up at him, "but I am going back to my apartment. Sam is probably waiting for me."

"Sam?", I saw Sky's eyes darken and he looked intensely into my eyes.

"Yeah, my roommate. She is really cool. You'll love her if you meet her.", I said enthusiastically.

"Yeah..maybe.", Sky said and stepped back. "Do you want me to call a cab or did you come with a car or something?", he asked me. He looked down at the carpet and had a kind of stiff posture.

"Er, no. I can call me a cab myself. Thanks for the offer though.", I said and stepped aside.

Walking over to the door I turned around and saw him looking at me already. He had really big bright blue eyes. But something was off. Like, he shut off from me.

"Thanks for everything, Sky. Maybe we will meet on campus one day?", I asked in a hopeful tone.

"Yeah, we can do that.", Sky said and gave me a smile. He looked hopeful, too. Or maybe it was an illusion and the information bomb that I just got, played with my mind and I saw things.

I clicked the door shut and called me a cab.

The second I stepped inside the apartment, I got tackled down by someone, who scream with a high-pitched note into my ears.

"HEY! GET OFF ME!", I said and tried to get them off of me.

"Oh, fuck, sorry.", someone said, but I couldn't make it out since it was muffled. The person on top of me quickly stood up and I saw the silhouette.

Of course. Sam.

"Sam, I nearly had a concussion. What is it?", I said and rubbed the back of my head since that one connected with the floor briefly.

"Charles asked me out!", she said in that same high-pitched tone.

I gestured her to talk a little quieter and held my right ear.

"Okay, sorry. Charles asked me out.", Sam said in a more normal tone, "okay, technically it is the Winter Ball but it is still a date, right?"

"Technically, yes. Did he call it a 'date'?", I asked her and put my hand down. I jumped on my bed and crossed my legs while sitting there.

"I don't know? I guess? Ugh! Why didn't I ask?", Sam said frustrated all of a sudden.

"Hey, no biggie. Just go as friends and if he holds your hand or kisses you, you'll know whether it was a date or not."

You see, Samantha over here has been crushing over Charles for a few months now. She always talked about how cute his eyes looked or his smile and so on and I always listened but sometimes it was unbearable and it got on my nerves. On those times I told her that I didn't listen, 'cause I had a bad day and wasn't very attentive and she appreciated it that I told her. Of course, she was a little down when I did, but she understood and that's all that matters.

"Okay, I'll do that.", Sam said and smiled from ear to ear. It looked creepy, to be honest. But I shrugged it off and replied with an "Okay."

"I'm gonna go to sleep now. I am tired as fuck.", I said and began changing into my pajamas.

"Okay, nighty!", Sam said from her side and not even a minute later I heard her snore. She must've been really exhausted, 'cause she normally slept in 5 minutes.

I got into bed and closed my eyes. I saw clear blue eyes in front of me and an older looking man who had markings on his face, kind of like little dots, and he smirked at me.

I immediately opened up my eyes and frantically looked at my surroundings. Pooh, it was a dream. I looked onto my alarm clock that had blue LED lights. It showed "2:04 AM".

Wow. I slept for 2 hours and the only thing I saw was a man? That's strange.

I shrugged it off and tried sleeping again.

A/N: Alexandra Daddario as Sam.

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