{M A N T R A}

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[Sky's P.O.V.]

I rushed into the emergency room and looked around me in hopes to find her. Since I couldn't see her right away, I sprinted over to the nurse nearby and asked where Aria was.

"Who is asking?", he said confused.

"Sky Altair. I'm a friend of hers.", I said and jumped on my place. I just couldn't stay still and I looked everywhere but I couldn't concentrate. What if I was too late?

"Oh! Yeah, of course! We heard her say your name in the last five minutes now and we are very concerned of her comatose situation. We are thinking about transferring her to a hospital.", he said and walked to the curtain that shielded the patient from the rest of the room.

The nurse slid the curtain away from the wall and made room for me to see her.

I gasped a little. She was very light colored. She was sweating like crazy and just laid there stiffly. I touched her hand and felt the coldness seep into my warm skin. Holding her hand tightly I thanked the nurse and sat next to her on the chair that he provided for me to sit in.

"S-sky..", she whispered very faintly and I put my hand on her forehead.

She was as cold as ice. I tried breathing but it didn't work. I was shocked by her situation.

Looking for something to do to take her out of this place and see her smile again and hear her laugh again.

I remembered what my mom, Claire, said to me if I wanted to help someone that I didn't want to lose.

"Try whispering her name and then add the words 'Du er med meg. Kom tilbake til meg. Jeg skal beskytte deg.' Do this three times. If the person is dead, you can't help them anymore. But if they are in a situation where you know you can help them, then use this."*

Okay, it's now or never.

"Aria", I said and opened my eyes to look at her.

"Du er med meg", I  looked at her face. No movement yet.

"Kom tilbake til meg", I glanced at her body but she was still stiff.

"Jeg skal beskytte deg". But still, nothing.

Okay, this was once. Now a second time.

"Du er med meg"

I saw a twitch in her eyes.

"Kom tilbake til meg"

Her hand made a twitching movement, too.

"Jeg skal beskytte deg"

She moved her toes.

Okay, now the last time. I really hope this works.

"Du er med meg"

She shifted her body a little.

"Kom tilbake til meg"

Her feet moved now a little more.

"Jeg skal beskytte deg"

Her arms moved now, too, but her eyes still remained closed.

My mantra was done. But she isn't fully there yet. What can I do to bring her back? What can I try to help her out?

I thought about those movies Adrian showed me, even if I protested. In the movies, the man tried kissing the woman as a last resort of action to bring them to life. Usually that helped a lot. Other times that didn't work out.

But I have to try.

I slowly got closer to her face and watched her frown a little. The cold emitting form her bit my warm aura a little and I almost flinched in reflex. I carefully approached her lip and kissed the soft, but cold place in hopes that this would help. Electricity shot up my spine and I recoiled from the shock. I quickly opened up my eyes and looked at her face. She blinked in a slow pace and looked at me.

"Sky?", she said in a very hoarse voice.

"Oh, THANK HEAVENS YOU ARE ALIVE!", someone screamed from the other side.

I reflexively shot up from the chair and held up my hands like I'm at gunpoint.

The girl from before is sitting there, excited and beaming from ear to ear next to Aria and holding her hands.

"I don't know what that was, but man, I owe you my world!", she said to me, "you brought her back to me. I was so worried she might die."

"You're welcome.", I said and watched her hand in Aria's hand. With a sharp pain in my chest I turned around but I couldn't fully execute this movement.

"Wait.", I heard Aria whisper.

I waited with my back turned to her. I couldn't bare the sight I might see. Her lovingly holding the girl's hand and stroking her thumb over the back of it.

"Jeg er med deg. Kom tilbake til meg. Jeg skal beskytte deg med hele mitt hjerte.", she said in the most quiet whisper that was only meant for me.*

I smiled slightly.

"Tusen takk.", I whispered back but still remained where I am.*

I exit the room.

A faint "is that your-" could be heard but I was out of earshot to understand the rest.

The pain in my chest was still prominent. As soon as I went out of the room I promised myself to check up on her every day. I needed her cell number.

I would ask her tomorrow. Now I needed to find out what that was for. My clock might help with that.

[Translation from Norwegian:

Du er med meg = You are with me.

Kom tilbake til meg = Come back to me.

Jeg skal beskytte deg = I will protect you.

Jeg er med deg = I am with you.

Jeg skal beskytte deg med hele mitt hjerte = I will protect with all of my heart.

Tusen takk = Thank you very much.]

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