{C E N T U R I E S}

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[Sky's P.O.V.]

I waited for something to happen.

Aria breathed in and I saw the blue sparks come slowly. They ignited in her fingertips first and turned into real blue flames and climbed up her arm. I looked at her in awe. She was amazing. Those blue flames, those dark blue flames, they looked so majestic on her. Like, it was second nature. Her hair flew slightly around her and it looked like the wind picked up the beautifully copper colored hair but the sea was still very still. Nothing moved.

Aria stood up and turned around. She was facing me and she opened her eyes. Her eyes were a solid light blue. They glowed slightly and she kicked back her right arm and a fire ball came out of her hand and swirled right next to me. It surrounded me without even making a touch. I watched it circle me like it was a threat but it never attacked me. It just floated in the air beside me.

I couldn't believe it. She did it. She is Ariel. She is the Angel Of Protection.

The blue flame went back to her hand and faded into the other flames. Then her eyes faded into the dark brown orbs I knew she had and she collapsed to the ground. Good thing she didn't hit the log or else we would've had a different problem now.

I ran to her and picked her up. She opened her eyes and looked very exhausted. She smiled weakly. She remembered what she just did.

"You did it. But-how?", I asked her and she smiled again and weakly replied "love". Then she closed her eyes again and instantly slept. I had to make myself invisible to pick her up. I translated the invisibility to her, too, and carried her home.

I removed the invisibility off of the two of us and rang the doorbell. The girl opened the door and looked at me all worried.

"What did you do? Get in!", she whisper-yelled and gestured inside with her left hand. I brought her to the bedroom and put her in her bed. The girl looked surprised I knew where she slept, but it wasn't that hard. You could tell from all the angelic stuff she had around.

"I didn't do anything. She just slept in classes and I carried her home. I couldn't dare wake her up-", I said and got interrupted immediately.

"Good choice. She would've killed you.", she said and laughed a little, "poor Aria. Had so much going on lately. No wonder she slept in class."

"Yeah, I can imagine. I'm sorry for not introducing me to you. I'm Sky Altair.", I said and reached my hand out for her.

"I'm Sam Juarez. Nice to meet you.", Sam said and smiled. "I'm sorry if I am being noisy, but Aria won't tell me so I thought why not ask you..", she smiled innocently, "Are you her boyfriend?"

"BOYFRIEND?! WHO?! WHAT?!", Aria screamed suddenly.

"WOAH, hold your horses, woman! The. Pitch. Is. Too. High. Again.", Sam said and held her ears.

I just laughed out loud. That's just the best timing I've ever had. Wow. This has to go into history.

"Why are you laughing? What's going on? Why am I in my bed?", Aria asked rapidly. I walked over to her and calmed her down.

"You fell asleep so I carried you home. Don't worry.", I said and hugged her so she could relax.

"Oh, thank the Angel. I thought I got kidnapped.", she said dramatically and fell onto her bed again.

I leaned down on her and whispered in her ear "You did it. But we need to practice more. Let's do this one more time tomorrow. This time I'll show you how to channel your energy without depleting it completely.", I said fast and hoped she understood. She nodded in understanding.

We stood there for a while and looked at each other's eyes. I swiped off her copper lock that fell into her face and tucked it back behind her ear. Our eyes shifted from our lips back to the eyes and I saw how we came closer and-

"I'm sorry to interrupt this lovely moment, but she needs to sleep off her stress.", Sam said and I got up from Aria's bed. "Only what's best for you, babe.", she added and smiled innocently.

"Yeah, okay. I get it. Oh, and I guess I am.", I said and took off.

"Wait-WHAT? Are you sure?", Aria asked from afar.

I turned around and looked at her. "Don't you want me to? I can totally understand if you-", I rambled on and stopped only when I got a hug from Aria.

"I want you to.", she said, smiled and looked up from her hug. I smiled back at her.

"Guess, we are a couple now.", I said and smirked.

"Guess, I just took a candid of you two now.", Sam said and made a picture of us two grinning goofily at each other.

"Okay, now shoo!", Aria said and smiled.

"Okay.", I said and walked backwards just to take her in.

I have a girlfriend now. I found my mate. She is the Angel of Protection. Ans she is beautiful in heart and soul.

Looks like I got lucky. I really hope this last for centuries.

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