{M O O N S T R U C K}

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[Aria's P.O.V.]


The person lifted it's powerful wand and hovered it above its head. They smirked and smashed the wand on the cold, hard floor. Sparks flew and the floor started shaking. Items all over the shelves fell down and some of them even broke to a million pieces. The sparks ignited some cloth on the floor, the fire grew rapidly and smoke filled my lungs. I had to cough hard to keep the smoke out but it was useless. It engulfed my respiratory system like a plague.

"Please. Stop. I can't take it.", I begged with my head down. I cried like a sad phoenix that just burned and felt the pain that it was under. My chest started hurting from the burning feeling that the smoke and the emotional pain caused.

"You can start saying your goodbye's now. It's not gonna take long and you will perish from your own history.", the person walked around me like a menacing predator, "nobody is going to remember you anymore. You are going to be a failure. You are going to let everyone down. You are going to be a disgrace to every race in the universe.", the person said slowly, drilling these words into my brain. The echo it caused hurt my head, but then again it can be that I had hypoxia and my brain started hurting like I had a bad case of migraine.

"Just..stop..", I begged again. My head felt heavy, my vision spun and I saw stars in my eyes. My eyes stopped focusing on the person. I rested my head on the floor to take away some of the weight it suddenly grew to have.

I sighed loudly. I tried to lift my head again but it didn't help. I tried another time, but still, it didn't work. My hands that were sore from the rope that surrounded them like a relentlessly strong vine keeping my hands under pressure. I felt every scratch on my skin, every wound that it got and I tried to take away my focus on them.

I grew impatient with my situation. Starting to silently count until ten, I made some obscure hand movements. I knew that the person wouldn't be able to see them, so I took my chances and made a ritual.

A ritual they are never going to forget.

"My flame is as beautiful as the love I can give", I slowly mumbled, not knowing whether they heard me.

"You wish, Aria.", they said and leaned forward to whisper into my ear the words that ignited my inner Angel of Protection.

"The sky is going to die soon."

"NO!", I screamed jumping up in my bed. Dawn was coming. My eyes were wide open looking for Sam, hoping she didn't hear me. I listened closely to her breathing rhythm and noticed that she still slept. I sighed in relief.

I took my phone and opened the lock screen. I quickly went to Sky's contact name and called him. The wait for his answer felt like eternity. The seconds that passed were agonizing and made me really nervous.


"Oh, my fuck. Are you alright?", I quickly said and waited for his answer.

"Aria, do you know what time it is?", Sky said groggily and I knew that he must've slept like an angel and I took that precious sleep away from him.

"Are you alright, Sky? I need to know.", I asked again.

"Yeah, why are you even asking?", he said in a hoarse voice.

"Thank the Angel. I had a nightmare and the person promised me that you're gonna die soon and since I had a vision before I thought that this was one and I worried and-", I rambled on and on but Sky interrupted me quickly.

"Breathe, Aria. Breathe.", he waited until I took deep breaths and continued, "now, listen. I'm gonna come to you and we're gonna spent the left time together. Okay?"

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