{R E V E N G E}

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[Aria's P.O.V.]

I sat on the stairs near my classroom and took a bite out of my lunch. It was a crispy, beautifully grilled bacon sandwich that I did this morning.

"Mhhhmmm...", I moaned in delight. It was so good.

"HEYOOOOOO!", someone screamed all of a sudden next to me.

It was an unfamiliar guy that I didn't recognize right away. I waited for them to go away or address someone else, but nope, they still looked very excited as if I should know, who they were and scream in happiness, too. I thought a little about it and a light bulb turned on in my head.

"Aren't you Sky's friend?", I asked him carefully.

"Hell, yeah, I am! Good thing you noticed. My name's Aiden. Nice to meet you.", Aiden said and stretched out his hand for me to shake it.

I shook his hand and expected him to go away or say "Okay, goodbye." but he didn't. He sat next to me and stared at my sandwich.

"Erm... can I have some?", he asked and still stared at my sandwich. I looked back and forth between him and my sandwich and decided why not. Maybe he didn't have lunch so I took a piece and gave it to him.

He immediately grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth. Not even a millisecond later and he moaned louder than I did a few minutes ago.

"GIRL, EHAT ARE YOU PUTTING IN THAT SANDWICH? MAGIC?!", he asked and stared at me in shock.

I shrugged and looked at him and said "Nothing special. It's just the usual bacon sandwich."

"Nothing special, huh? Well, whatever you're doing you're doing it right. I love it.", he said and smiked brightly.

Then his face fell. What happened? Did I say something wrong? Did he get food poisoning? Do I have something on my face?

"I'm sorry I came in here like a lunatic. I shouldn't have taken a piece and I shouldn't have invaded your personal bubble. That was wrong. Sky is SO gonna kill me, fuck.", he mumbled quickly but good thing I am used to it by Sam or else I would have understood gibberish.

" Hey, hey! No, don't worry. Yes, it was a little intense and sudden. I accept your apology. Maybe next time ask before you do any of these? And I'm not saying you are too much for me, I'm just saying that it came as a shock to me that you made sudden moves that were very unexpected.", I said and tried to look encouraging.

" Okay, again, I'm sorry. I hope your lunch time wasn't ruined because of me.", he said and smiled apologetically.

" Hey, no. It was different but I like different. Would be nice if we could do this another time? Maybe with Sky coming along?", I asked him.

" Yeah, that would be cool as hell! I'll ask him right away! Thanks for accepting my apology. Again, was nice to meet you.", Aiden said, took off and waved goodbye behind him.

That was interesting. And Sky has him as a friend? I'm learning something new everyday.


I was standing in front of Sky's house and knocked three times. Sky opened it up and I saw that he already wore a jacket, a beanie and some gloves on.

He stepped outside and I looked at him while he locked his door twice.

"What are you doing? I thought we were gonna practice?", I asked him confused.

"You seriously thought I would let you put things in flame and disintegrate them? No, we're going to a safe place.", he said and pointed to the pavement.

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