Chapter Five: Oh, It's You

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Finding the Big Hit building was not the problem. The seemingly endless crowd of people surrounding the building was. The fact that you didn't know where the back entrance didn't help, but honestly, your biggest problem was fighting through the crowd of people to get to the building.

A face popped up in the corner of the front window, and you were relieved to see Jade waving at you in order to catch your attention. She pointed to what you could only consider to be the back of the building, and mouthed, I'll meet you there.

You tried to make it seem like the most natural thing in the world as you walked around the building, ignoring stares from fans and officials alike, slipping into the alleyway as though it was something you did every day.

Knocking on the only door you saw back there, you were relieved when Jade opened it, and with a smile said, "Come on in, sorry about the crowd. Normally it's not this bad."

"So, what is going to happen when we get up there?"

You and Jade entered the elevator, and it began to move up.

"Well, we'll formally introduce you to all of the boys, and then you and Tae will have a heavily supervised conversation about your relationship," she saw your confused expression and continued hastily, "Supervision for Tae. We trust you completely to be discreet. It's Tae we... worry about."

"Worry about?"

"You'll see when we get there."

The elevator dinged and you and Jade stepped out, walking down the hallway leisurely, until you stopped in front of a shut door. The only shut door on the entire hallway.

"Do, do I look alright?" you asked, suddenly fussing with your hair and clothing, smoothing down nonexistent wrinkles.

"You look better than me," she laughed, and pushed open the door, revealing all seven boys, three of which were holding Taehyung back.

"He could feel her coming," Jin said, in way of explanation, struggling to hold Taehyung from behind.

Jade nodded as though this was a normal occurrence, and blew a kiss at Namjoon, who was holding Taehyung from the side.

You were half inside the room, half out, and at the sight of Taehyung practically foaming at the mouth to get to you, you took a step back into the hallway. He whined, an animal-like sound that did not belong in the mouth of a human, and even Jade began to back away.

Hoseok and Jimin stepped forward to help restrain Taehyung, but before they could, he broke free and launched himself at you. Jungkook shot forward and grabbed him around the waist screaming, "Sit down! Sit down!"

"Taehyung," Namjoon panted, completely out of breath from trying to hold Taehyung back, "I will send her away and you will never see her again if you do not calm down and control yourself."

Jade slipped in beside him and threaded his fingers through his. He turned to her and whispered, "I wasn't this bad, was I?"

She shook her head, "You were just Mope Monster."

It seemed that Taehyung had finally gained a little bit of his composure, and Jungkook let go of his waist, but hovered just in case Taehyung tried anything else. Instead of lunging forward again, he took a deliberate step back, and lifted his hands as a sign that he wasn't going to attack again.

You very slowly stepped back into the room, ready to turn tail and run if anything happened again.

"Hi," you began, not really sure what the proper protocol for meeting a werewolf was. Do I bow? Am I supposed to offer my hand for him to sniff? I need a field guide or something.

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