Chapter 6: Sam the Man with the Plan

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"Sam, you're insane!" Kevin practically laughed in Sam's face, "The first few trials almost killed you, and now you want to finish them? Not to mention, without Dean knowing."

"Kevin, the angels are expelled from Heaven. I'm pretty sure at this point more than ever that anything is possible, don't you?" Sam gave him a look.

Kevin pondered at the statement, then shook his head to rid himself of such ridiculous thoughts, "Even if you could, it would kill you!"

"Why does that matter? Just tell me the last trial!" Sam demanded.

"Fine, but Dean will just do something careless if something happened to you. He already gave up Lisa and Ben. If something happened to you, you're basically all he has, Sam. Just remember that," Kevin reminded, "Okay, so the last trial, you have to cure a demon."

"What do you mean cure?" Sam stitched his eyebrows. 

Kevin walked over to a near bookshelf, and picked up what looked like a journal. He flicked at the pages, landing his finger when he found what he wanted. He showed it to Sam, "Well, the men of letters thought it was possible to cure a demon by giving it, a blood transfusion, shall we say," he flipped the page, looking through the lab results and what-not, "It is said that if a demon is giving nothing but pure human blood over an extented period of time, it can be cured."

"Has this ever worked?" Sam further interogated.

"There is a number on this file," Kevin scribbled some numbers and letters on a piece of paper, "It says it leads to an evidence box down in the vault. Maybe there's something in there."

"Okay, let's check it out," Sam spoke.

Kevin nodded and the duo headed down into the vaults. Sorting through all of the shelves, they finally came across what they were looking for. They carried it back out to the well-lit living room for further examination.

Sam sorted through all of the items while Kevin continued to read over the report he had found in the log book.

"Look at this," Sam held up a VHS tape labeled Demonic Curing; Success,"We need to watch this."

Kevin took it from his hand and placed it in the player and they stood behind the couch, with their hand grasping the back of the couch. 

On the screen, a man - introducing himself as Father Max Thompson - appeared in front of the camera, shifting it so it could get a view of the whole room. When he moved off to the side, it revealed another man chained to the floor, his eyes flicking from brown to black.

The recording lasted around eight hours. Each hour, the Father would purify his blood, put it into a syringe, then plunge it into the neck of the demon in the devil's trap. The demon became more human as the hours drew on. After the sixth dose, it began to beg... for forgiveness. Sam's jaw dropped at the sight. Although the first seven doses were the same, it was the eigth one that varied in ritual. After giving the demon the full syringe of blood, the Father slit his own palm and placed against the demon's mouth, followed by an incantation: Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus. Hanc animam redintegra, lustra. Lustra!

Kevin and Sam released their grip on the couch when the demon let out a fierce cry and his eyes were engulfed in a blinding white light, much like when an angel is killed. After the event, the demon was cured, and was even able to leave the devil's trap without any problem. That's when the tape cut black.

"Well," Sam looked to Kevin, "let's go get us a demon!"

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