Chapter 32

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"Maybe it's a coincidence." I said.

We had left Alex's apartment and were walking the streets of the city trying to find the symbol among the illegal art on the walls.

Graffiti was everywhere, it littered the sides of restaurants and the bridges of freeways. As if law didn't exist and art was able to thrive.

"Stop it."

"Here." I turned to Jason, he hovered his hand above the same symbol we'd seen in Alex's apartment.

"What now?" Brandon.

"We wait. Alex said they shouldn't be-" In the blink of an eye we were surrounded and pushed to an isolated alley.

Everything is dark and I don't know whether I'm alone or not.

Was this it?

I hadn't done anything, I hadn't fixed everything I needed to fix.

But instead of dying, I heard a voice. A light shines through and I see a masked figure.

"No loitering around here." It was a male voice.

"We need help." Rather than Jason it was Brandon.

"Our help?"

"Yes, we need to get back."

"Yeah, I want to go home too." The man said sarcastically.

"AK. Does it mean anything to you?" I asked. I couldn't believe I'd spoken.

"Our sworn enemy. If you need to get back home because he took you...follow me." He said. I thought we would've gone to back to the outside but instead he lead us to an underground area.

It was brilliantly lit. And I saw Brandon and Jason. Jason was grim. Brandon was alive.

I had no idea what I was.

"Where do you need to get back to?"

"We need to get back in contact with-"

"No outside contact."

"Sanfransokyo. That's where we need to go." Brandon interjected.

"So...Sanfransokyo right?"

"I'll need a separate escort." It was Jason. He really was staying true to his word.

I gave him a look.

"Only one escort. You can find a separate getaway. Sanfransokyo is easier than here." The brilliantly lit underground swarmed with people. An enlarged symbol that we'd seen outside was on each sides of the wall.

"We'll need a day to get your escort."

"How safe is it here?"

"Well, you guys can take care of yourselves right? You found us didn't you? Who told you?" We were all quiet. "Whoever did? He's smart." He lead us to a room with two bunk beds. The man turned and left. I felt my legs turn to jello.

I collapsed on the lower bed.

I'm the weak one.

I covered my face with my hands.

"We'll get back." It was Brandon. I didn't say a word. "That's all that's keeping me going."

His girlfriends dead.

His brothers hospitalized.

He was kidnapped.

All because of me.

"I've got nothing." I took my hands away from my face, "Nothing at all."


I lied on the top bunk and Brandon was sleeping on the opposite bottom bed.

"I'm sure you'll find something." Jason hadn't said a word after he'd asked for an escort.

"You didn't." He was quiet.

"It's for your own safety-

"to be away from my only living relative."

"When they find out I exist you'll leave your foster family."

"What makes you say that?"

"I'm almost eighteen. Once I'm an adult they can give you up anytime the want. They don't need to take care of you."

"You're not financially stable. You can't support me. They won't be able to give me up."

"And what if I am. (F/N)! You remember I suppressed your memory. I'm smart! I'll build myself up!"

"You're just going to go into hiding." I wasn't lying. "You have no intention of ever settling down, not as Jason. Not as my brother." I turned on my side and tried finding sleep. But rage was all I found.

He didn't want me. He didn't want to be my brother.

Maybe a long time ago he wanted to but now that longing was gone.

He knew better than to speak. I fell asleep even though I was scared that they'd leave me here.


"Look at this." It was that same man. I opened my eyes, "They're so cocky sleeping here."

"I've been awake the whole time." I said. I hadn't been lying. I had tried sleeping but I woke up and sleep wouldn't come.

"You're escorts ready." He said not replying to my words. He switched the lights on and the other two woke up. I climbed down and gathered my stuff.

"Let's go." I said impatiently. Jason continued gathering his stuff and Brandon did the same.

"No respect huh?" It was the man.

"I've given up."

"If they kept you with them this long they still care. It's when they leave you behind." I looked at the man but it seemed like he was lost in his own emotions and memories.

I went out of the room to wait after that.

"You really can't supply a second escort?"

"I said no. If you want to lose this one as well then keep talking." Jason had been asking ever since we'd gotten in the car.

"How are we getting back?"

"We're driving the three of you to Sanfransokyo. We'll be dropping you off in the slums but I'm sure you can find you're way back."

The slums? I cowered in my seat.

But we were getting back. I could go home. That made me relieved but I wondered what would happen.

Would they let me go to school?

Could I see Tadashi?

I prayed that things could go back to some form of normality.

It was the middle of the day but the windows were so deeply tinted that barely any light got through.

"I'm glad you guys are staying in state if not this would take way longer. And..." The driver spoke for hours on end but finally I was too tired to care.

The car was a van of sorts with the driver, an escort, and then the three of us.

The driver continued to speak but no one would reply. And there was silent tension every time I glanced over at Jason.

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