Chapter 6

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     "It's that door. I'll go now." The staff said pointing at a door smiling to Joy before separating ways to her. Joy went to the door and knocked. 

      "I told you to wait, I will go out soon! I still have 30 minutes!" Jungkook shouted from the inside without any clue that it's Joy. She was very startled by his shouting voice that she stumbled a little as she step back but she didn't able to scream, she thought that maybe he's still practicing and don't want to be bothered so she decided to keep quiet and wait for 30 minutes. She places the two paper bags and the basket by the door and sits on the opposite side so that if Jungkook will open the door he will see her immediately. She tries to look around to kill the time while waiting, she also listens to music and had a quick exchange of message with her mother saying "Make sure to give it to him, okay?" that Joy replied with, "I'm here right now waiting. Don't worry I won't eat it." After she replied she slides her phone into the pocket of her black topcoat that she's wearing.

     In the middle of her waiting she heard footsteps that made her to look up to see who is coming. She saw Jimin carrying a plastic bag and as she guesses food is in there. She stood up promptly to greet him and as expected he was surprised seeing her outside their studio. 

     "Hello" she said bowing to Jimin. 

     "Ah- yes. Hello." Jimin said as he stuttered still clueless why Joy is there. 

     "I'm here to personally thank you guys about last time." She slightly smiled to him to conquer her awkwardness.

      "Oh, really?" Jimin said understanding the situation, 

     "We actually went out to have a late lunch and Jungkook was left inside alone because he was practicing for his solo on MMA. I decided to bring him lunch." Jimin explained raising the plastic bag on his hand to show Joy.

     "Ah, that is why." She said nodding to herself. 

    "What? "That's why?"" Jimin asked curiously. 

     "Ah-uhm-" she stuttered and looked at her watch immediately, "he still have 10 minutes." She said and smiled to Jimin to guarantee him that she's okay. 

     "Are you waiting here for Jungkook in a while now? How long have you been here?" Jimin asked. 

     "Well, he told me to wait so I did. Anyways, it's nothing, I'm willing to wait here till he finish." She answered avoiding answering his question.

      "Did he really make her wait?! Wah, Jeon Jungkook!"  He looked at Joy still waiting for her answer. Joy wants to stop the stare game so she gave up, "Well it's not that long. Don't worry." She said waving both of her hands in front of him avoiding answering because it looks like Jimin will scold Jungkook. 

     "Tell me." Jimin said, convincing her to give him an answer. 

     "Uhm-well, I've been here for..." she says, looking at Jimin, "20 minutes?" she said smiling awkwardly rubbing her nails together as she lower her voice but it was enough for Jimin to hear. 

     "Ah," he said nodding, "Just wait for a little while I'll talk to him." Jimin said smiling to Joy then turns around and opened the door of the dance studio. Joy was left there biting her lower lips feeling a little worried. What did I do again?!

     "Yah! Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin shouted as soon as he enters the dance studio. 

     "Ah! Hyung! I still have 10 minutes. I told you I'll come out on my own." Jungkook shouted back being pissed to Jimin. 

     "Yeah okay! Then spend another 10 minutes practicing!" he said to Jungkook as a sarcasm but Jungkook didn't get the irony of what he said. 

     "Yah! Joy is waiting outside for you for about 20 minutes now!" he shouted to sink everything in Jungkook's mind what he needs to know. 

     "Then let her w—What?!" Jungkook widen his eyes in disbelief, "Is she the one who knocked awhile ago and not you?!"Jungkook asked in incredulity. 

     As Jimin saw Jungkook's reaction, he concluded that Jungkook wasn't aware at all that Joy is waiting for him. "Well, you told her to wait for you then spend another hour practicing! She's willing to wait anyways." Jimin said in irony for Jungkook to realize that he's not kidding at all as he put the plastic bag on the corner table. Jungkook grabbed a towel and bottled water before running and opening the door.

     As he opened, he saw Joy's back who was currently facing the wall but she turns quickly to see who opened the door and saw a covered with sweat Jungkook in his white t-shirt. She greeted him immediately as she saw him 

     "Hello." Joy bowed to him and smiled. Jungkook didn't able to respond right away and just gulp an invisible liquid down his throat upon seeing her. "Hyung is not lying." he said to himself. His eyes widen, "She's-really-here." 

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