Chapter 13

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     "The only noona I would allow to call me oppa." He said before the song finally plays and started to get in the mood to dance.

     "What the--!" V cursed behind his breath cringing. "Sometimes your words are unpredictable. Ugh- I don't want to hear the next things you'll say." V said covering his ears giving him a confused look. He's weird right now. "Practice until 6 am and go to our dorm after that to have some sleep. 9 am will be the roll call so better be on time." V then turned his back to Jungkook still shaking his head on what he just heard leaving him alone in the dance studio.

     Joy arrived in their dorm and Wendy was in the sofa waiting for her. "Unnie, mianhae." Joy said pouting as soon as she saw Wendy crossing her arms. "It's too late. Hyemin unnie told me you went to Yerin's dorm but I called Yerin and she said you already went out at 10:30 pm. Where did you go?"

     Wendy asked just like a mother scolding her daughter. Joy bites her lower lip and looks at Wendy. "I went to a restaurant near the Han River to eat."

     "That's it?" Wendy asked and Joy nodded her head as an answer. "You should text us next time. We tried to call you but your phone is off." Wendy said. "Better not do that again." She looked at Joy and waited for her answer, "Yes unnie." Wendy smiled at her a little before speaking again, "The members are already asleep. Let's rest now too." Wendy stood up to go to her room.

     Joy held her hand and leaned on Wendy's arm, "Mianhae unnie. You should be resting too right now but you waited for me." Joy smiled to Wendy, "Thank you. Goodnight unnie." She said before separating ways to Wendy to go to her room to sleep.

     She smiled when she lay on her bed checking her phone. As she was browsing her phone calls she saw Jungkook's phone number, she thinks of a name to put on his number and she thought of "Kookie" Such a cute nickname for him. She also remembered that she took Jungkook's photo a while ago and so she set it up as his contact photo on her phone since she don't have any picture of Jungkook. She also reads his text message right after he left him, "Take care Sooyoung-ah." And she suddenly remember Minji's voice saying, "Sooyoung unnie". Her heart still flutters every time she would remember Minji's smiles whenever she calls out her name.

     She woke up alone in their dorm since Hyemin is also out to be with Red Velvet for MMA. She don't have any plans that day aside from watching MMA with Yerin so she'll go to the Private restaurant first before spending the rest of the day with Yerin.

     Along her way to the restaurant she saw a stuff toy Loopy which is a friend of Pororo. She bought it to give to Minji and she walks happily hugging it.

     When she was near the restaurant ahjumma and a woman on her 40's— that she assumed is Minji's mother —are chasing Minji outside the restaurant when she accidentally bumped to Joy. Joy kneeled to clearly see Minji's face and on her surprise she was crying. Minji hugged Joy as she saw her.

     "Minji." Her mother called out her name softly. Joy can hear in her voice that she was worried about her. Minji's hug tightened and she cries hard on Joy's shoulder. She looked at Minji's mother in concern and stood up carrying her in her arms while caressing her back to stop her from crying.

     After a while Minji stopped but she never left Joy's side. Not long enough she fell asleep on her lap. They are currently inside a room in the Private restaurant and Minji's mother is there sitting on the opposite side.

     Minji's mother's tears started to fall while staring at Minji but she wiped it immediately when she noticed that Joy is looking at her. She slightly smiled to her and spoke, "I'm Ri An. Minji's mother." Joy bowed to her and said, "It's nice meeting you."

     "You maybe know her condition." Ri An said and Joy nods.

     "I met her last night. Jungkook told me about her." Joy answered.

     "She's undergoing a chemotherapy that's why she's starting to lose her hair." Joy looked at her dejectedly, "The doctor suggests shaving her hair and so I asked her if it's okay for her and as expected, she insisted. I tried to convince her but she only ran crying." Ri An's tears started to fall. Joy held her hand above the table understanding how hard it is for her.

     "I think it would be good if we let her decide for herself. Let's just wait for her decision patiently." Joy suggested and Ri An nods as an agreement.

    "She actually has a very beautiful hair." Ri An said getting her phone in her pocket. She browsed her phone and searched for Minji's picture to show Joy. "Look," she said when she finally found a picture, "Her hair was so shiny and straight when she was younger. She looks so precious and pretty." She sighed looking at Minji. "She loves her hair so much." Ri An said biting her lips crying. Joy's tears started to form but she refrained herself so she just stroke Minji's cheeks while looking at her. "She's still pretty." Joy said without taking her eyes off of Minji and Ri An returned it with a nod and smile on her face.

     Minji was deep in sleep when Ri An carried her. Joy was about to leave after their talk when she remembered, "I almost forgot. Here." She handed Ri An the Loopy stuff toy she bought. "Thank you." Ri An said and smiled sincerely thankful to Joy. "I'm glad that she has someone like you to cry on. She got no friends the same age as her but at least she has all of you. Thank you so much."

     Joy felt her heart skip a beat hearing that Minji has no friends aside from them.

     On the way to Yerin's dorm, Joy decided to try calling Jungkook. She promised not to call him today so she asked for his permission first by texting him, "Can I call you?"

     BTS are currently on standby and waiting for their cue to go to the location when Jungkook received a text message. "I'll go to the comfort room for a bit." He said to Suga who is beside him before standing up and replying to the text message, "Yes."

     "Hello." Jungkook answering the phone call as soon as he came in the comfort room.

     "Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought of calling you." Joy said on the other line when he finally answered his phone.

     "It's okay."

     "I called to tell you that I went to Minji's and I met her mom."

     "She was nice right?" he said smiling.

     "She is." She said as a fact. "Minji's doctor suggested to shave her hair." She said straightaway. "Minji cried refusing to do it so she ran away. Luckily she bumped to me."

    "What?! Is she okay?" Jungkook asked anxiously.

     "She's fine now. Don't worry. Her mother decided not to pressure her and wait patiently for her decision."

     "It's good to know." Jungkook sighed in relief.

     "I called you too because I have something to ask you."

     "What is it?" He asked curiously.

     "Are you free tomorrow? Well, I-I just thought of an idea and maybe we could meet her to make her decide fast. But don't worry!—" she said right away so he won't get the wrong idea, "We won't going to pressure her. We'll just help her decide. Whatever answer she gives us, we'll accept it."

     "Okay, I'll text you tomorrow. It's perfectly fine for me." Jungkook agreed without hesitations.

     "Really?! Thank you." She said smiling before ending the call.

     Jungkook looked at himself in the mirror in front of him and caught his reflection smiling; he slapped his face and shakes his head immediately before heading out of the comfort room. What's happening to you Jungkook?! 

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