The Beginning

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Authors Note// thanks everyone for giving this story a shot :):):):):):)
Constance POV
I give myself a once over in the mirror, I made an effort with my blonde hair today, letting it hang loose instead of the usual ponytail that I normally string it up in. Today is the day I start at Westmoore High, to say I am nervous is an understatement.
Stepping out of my new Porsche, that my aunt gifted me for my birthday, I collide with a looming figure. The impact makes me fall backwards onto my butt.
"Owww," I groan as I hit the ground. Then I make the mistake of looking up. I am met by a set of hazel eyes that bore into mine, the face that the eyes belong to is even better. He has a chiselled jaw and caramel hair that happens to flop the right way. He opens his mouth that pulls me out of my daze.
" You all right?" He questions offering me his hand.
" Yup," I state lamely taking his hand, warmth sizzles through my palm.
" Will you go out with me ?" He states suddenly, his hand still entwined with mine.
And he was doing so well, why did he have to screw things up ? I ask myself.
" What the hell? You literally just met me you plonker" I explode, and after flipping him off I storm into the school, not completely knowing where I am going.

I end up finding English Lit quite easily in the end thanks to a friendly looking girl with braids. I let out a long sigh when I realise that the only free seat is next to Mr Plonker. Sinking into my seat as slowly as I can I see him chuckling lightly,
"This isn't funny you know," I fume.

He replies with, "I beg to differ."

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