Auntie Mikayla

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"Aunt Mikkie, I'm home," I call when I enter our small apartment.
"Hey munchkin, I have a hot date tonight, there is pizza in the oven. How was your first day?" She greets me, wrapping me in a warm hug.
"It was great, go out and enjoy yourself, don't do anything I wouldn't do," I say whilst making a beeline for my bedroom.
"Bye then" I hear the door slam shut. Rat, ( my dog ) comes plodding towards me and lands in a heap on my lap, " hey buddy." Rat is the only friend I had for a long time after we moved away, I also took up running to distract me from thoughts of my parents. Even now when I'm feeling rough I just go out for a 10k run. My phone vibrates in my hand. It's a text from Ollie. A blush creeps up my face as I read the message Hey Constance, a bunch of us are going on a road trip tomorrow, wanna join ? Smiling with glee I manage to text back Sure, what time :) ?
I can pick you up at 8:30? He texts back
Thanks :) See you then
I flip my phone off and collapse in a heap on my bed, there is no way anyone could persuade me to pick up my maths homework right now. Sliding my hand under my pillow I pull out the picture of my parents on their wedding day, tears slide down my face and I hastily wipe them away. Flicking the light off, I dive under the covers and wait for sleep to find me.

Ryder POV

I can't get to sleep and it's driving me crazy, I can't stop thinking about her. She must hate me now, I know I would. Kicking the sheets off my bed, I make my way to my gym. Running seems to help. Possibly a 10k? My Father is insistent on me meeting the daughter of the CEO that he wants to forge an alliance with. Honestly, I know he doesn't care about me, but he doesn't need to blatantly shove it in my face. He never thinks about what I want to do. My dream since I was young was to become a paediatric doctor since my sister died of leukaemia when she was three. The tears are threatening to come so I start the treadmill.

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