Penne Pomodoro

13 3 0

Constance POV

Did Ollie just ask me to have dinner with him? I ask myself, I'm not really dressed for it, I observe, looking down at my sneakers and hoodie.
"Would you mind dropping me off at home, so I could change into something nicer? Gah.. I feel like such a girl saying that," I tell him. He runs a hand through his dark hair, before smiling to himself.
"I think you look perfect, but sure, I should probably get changed too. I'll pick you up at 6:30?" He lifts a brow.
"That would be perfect," I smile as I walk in the other direction to grab my car.
Driving home, I think to myself about how far I've come. Never did I think, that after my parents I would be going to dinner with a boy. I hope they are proud, wherever they are, that I'm slowly rebuilding my life. I'm learning how to cope.

Pulling into my driveway, I hop out my car and head for my bedroom. I take the stairs three at a time feeling slightly breathless by the time I reach the landing. Flinging open the doors of my wardrobe I stare at my clothes with confusion. I know who would love this. Whipping out my cell phone, I tap dial. The phone rings twice before a panting Maddox answers the phone.
"Peaches, I'm lifting weights, so I get ripped. What's wrong?" Maddox pants.
"Uh.. well I don't know what to wear for dinner, we're going to the Italian restaurant, maybe you could help?" I ask him hopefully.
"Ooooo, clothes! So it's approaching summer so, a dress. Your eyes are blue, so orange undertones, Italian..leather... ringlets...." Maddox brainstorms, leaving me incredibly confused.
"Maddox, are you still there?" I say.
"Yes Peaches, so you are going to wear, wait for it... A burgundy sweater dress, brown leather boots and lightly curl your hair."
"I don't have a "burgundy sweater dress," will red do?" I sigh.
"Yes, yes, and go lightly on the make up. Don't want to be looking like Cake Face Vivienne," he chastises.
"Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver," I tell him gratefully.
"No, problem Peaches. Well I must dash. Tata for now." And with that he hangs up.
Rummaging around in my closet, I search for my outfit. Then I hop into the shower and relax as the hot stream of water runs down my body. Stepping out of the shower, I slide into my clothes. I look at my face in the mirror and sigh when I see huge eye bags staring back at me. I swipe on a little mascara and lipstick, that will have to do I tell my reflection. Grabbing my purse I hurry down the stairs. Just as I settled down to pet Rat, the door opens and Aunt Mikkie walks in.
"Hey munchkin, you look lovely, where are you going?"
"Ollie is taking me to dinner," I smile.
"Oh my munchkin is growing up, well enjoy yourself," she splutters, tears pooling in her eyes. Then the doorbell rings again. I open the door to see Ollie dressed in a blue button down shirt and brown slacks, his hair attempted to be smushed into some sort of style. He looks cute, not jaw dropping like Ryder but... Stop comparing them, I yell at myself.
"You look lovely," Ollie tells me sincerely.
"You clean up pretty good yourself," I tease him, which causes him to blush slightly. He offers his hand to me and I take it. His palm feels warm and comfortable, but there are no sparks like there are with Ryder. Stop comparing I yell at myself once more. We drive to the restaurant in a comfortable silence.
"Here it is," Ollie says nervously,"we can go somewhere else if..."
"This is perfect," I say, silencing him.
We enter the restaurant, which is a quaint, little authentic Italian with ivy snaking up the walls. We sit near a quietly blazing fire.
"So do you have any siblings?" I ask him, looking for a conversation starter.
"No, it's just me really. It can get a bit lonely sometimes," he smiles, attempting to conceal the pain that is evident on his face.
"I guess we have that in common then," I laugh humourlessly. Luckily, the waiter decides to ask us what we would like.
"I'll have the Penne Pomodoro, please," I tell him.
"Make that two," Ollie adds.
Then, I look up and my eyes catch a pair of angry looking caramel ones.

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