Road Trip

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Constance POV
I'm up at 6:30, I love the mornings; everyone is sleeping and the sun is rising. I hop in the cold shower and let the water wash away the mascara I couldn't be bothered to remove yesterday. I settle on wearing a lilac summer dress with spaghetti straps and my mothers pearl necklace. I grab my bag and lip balm just as the doorbell rings.

Ollie POV
Constance opens the door looking stunning, her smile grows wider when she sees me.
"I am so excited, I've never been on a road trip before." She says quietly.
"Well, you've been missing out on a lot," I grin at her, leading her towards the mustang. Ryder is sitting languidly in the drivers seat but straightens when he sees Constance approaching.
"Hey, are you any good with directions," he asks Constance with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Aye Sir, you're looking at a very accomplished Girl Scout," Constance fires back, trying to keep an element of seriousness on her face.
"Then you're calling shotgun."
"Kay then," Constance agrees sliding into the front seat, leaving me staring at the pair of them laughing about a bird poop.
Maddox and Axel fist bump Constance when they join the convoy and leave me sitting wedged in between the two of them.

Constance POV
We have been driving for three hours now, restocked our snack pile twice and stopped to take pictures five times.
"Hey, turn the radio up," I tell Ryder, hearing the melodious voice of Taylor Swift filling the car.
"God, not this song again," Ryder groans covering his ears, lifting both hands off the steering wheel.
"Eyes on the road," I yell at him, surprising everyone in the car.
"Hey Peaches hang in there baby," Maddox says through a furrowed brow.
"Pull over," I say, my voice sounding strained. Ryder immediately pulls over into a lay by and lifts me out the car. He carries me over to a bench overlooking the sunset and places me down.
"Are you okay," he asks, worry and concern prominent in his caramel eyes.
"Not really, it just brought back old memories " I whisper.
"You know you can always tell me anything, anytime you need someone to talk to or listen you call me, ok?" He tells me tapping his number into my phone. Then without warning he pulls me into a hug. I burrow my head into the crook of his neck and inhale deeply.
"Thank you, that means a lot to me." I tell him earnestly, pulling away.
"Don't mention it, let's get back to the beach then shall we?"
I nod quickly, not wanting to miss out on the spectacular view.

Ryder POV
I hope she trusts me with whatever is plaguing her, but I don't want her to feel pressured into telling me anything. We used to be so close when we were younger, we would tell each other everything. I want her to tell me when she fully trusts me. I will be there for her. Always.

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