That Plonker

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Ryder above
Authors Note// Hey guys let me know who's POV you would prefer things to be in mostly, love you all xxx
Ryder POV
I can see how agitated I've made her and frankly it's quite amusing. She confuses me, any other girl would've jumped at the mention of being my girlfriend, but not her, I should've known she was always different.
As English Lit ends I expect her to storm out of the classroom, but to my surprise she wheels back to me. Maybe she remembers who my dad is, CEO of ATAT Steel. I brace myself for the sincere apologies that I presume come next.
"You know most guys would have the decency to talk to me before they spring something like that on me, is that too much to ask you buffoon?"
I have to say I am rather insulted by being called a buffoon and a plonker in the same day. " Okay, I was only joking anyway. You think I would ever go out with you? Please, just look at yourself !" I lie.
I instantly regret what I have said after seeing the hurt in her eyes, but it doesn't look like a fresh wound.
"I didn't mean-" I start,
"No, it's fine, I was getting ahead of myself," she rushes out, then she leaves in a cloud of her vanilla scent and blonde hair.
Damn I blew it I think to myself, followed by why are you so hung up on her anyway?You know dad won't allow you to date anyone other than that stupid CEO's daughter to forge a bloomin' alliance.  My parents didn't even approve with us being friends, we had to meet at the park in secret. Why doesn't she remember me, we were best friends for ages? I wonder if her parents would remember me, they moved away not long ago.

Constance POV
I should've known he was joking.
I run to my car and slam the door. The Porsche cost my aunt nearly all her savings, she wanted me to feel like a normal teenager when we moved back home. I am so indebted to her, she has made me feel so loved after my parents died and I forgot most of what I knew in the coma. We moved away as soon as I came out of the coma, I didn't mind though, I craved a distraction. Thinking about this, I feel tears start to slide down my face. I let myself close my eyes and curl up in the drivers seat.
"Constance hurry up, we are going to be late," my mother calls.
"I'm coming, keep your wig on," I joke, sliding into the backseat.
My father speeds down the country lanes in his old beat up mini.
A Bright light.
A Flash.
A Scream.
The sound of an IV monitor beeping.
Constance POV
Light tapping wakes me from my  nightmare, I look up to see a concerned face looking down at me. Black hair is stuck up in a 'I just woke up' sort of manner. Blue eyes are framed by thick lashes and the corner of his mouth is turned up in a semi smile. I roll down the window.
"Hey I just saw you in here and you looked kinda upset so I thought I should just check on you, my name is Ollie by the way..." He said hurriedly.
" Thank you for checking on me, oh and my name is Constance." I smile attempting to convince him that I haven't been crying in my car for the last half hour.
"Do you want to come sit with me for lunch, I mean you're new here and all, and I mean you don't need to but-"
"I would love to," I finish smiling widely at my new friend. He offers me his hand and we make our way into the cafeteria.

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