An Enemy?

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Authors Note// Hi everyone, thanks for reading my story. It really means a lot to me, do you think we should try for 40 reads on this chapter?

Constance POV
I wake up on Monday morning thinking about the road trip. It's felt like so long since I've had friends who genuinely cared about me, and who didn't befriend me because of pity about my dead parents. Slugging down the stairs in my dressing gown I head down to the kitchen, where I pour myself a large bowl of Frosties. Auntie Mikkie arrives soon after.
"How was your date?" I question.
"Urgh, don't remind me, he told me he preferred taller women when I walked in."
"Don't worry, there is someone out there for everyone," I promise her, slinging my bag over my shoulder. Before I step out the house, I grab two aspirins from the cupboard and set them down next to Aunt Mikkie's glass of water.

Walking into school, I look down at my schedule and see History at the top. Walking at a fast pace, I manage to duck into the classroom just before the bell rings.
"Cutting it a bit close, are we Blythe?" Maddox smiles from the back, whilst fist bumping Axel.
They would be so cute together I think to myself. When the bell for History is rung everyone leaps out of their seats and bolts to lunch. Maddox, Axel and I head at a leisurely pace towards the science block so we can meet Ryder and Ollie.
They step out the chemistry lab with sheepish smiles on their faces.
"What did you guys do," I accuse them.
"Well we may or may not have added mentos to the class experiment," Ollie explains.
"Why??" I ask astounded.
"Well, he's always in a crappy mood and we are pretty sure he hasn't smiled since the 60's." Ryder grins.
"Can we get some lunch, I'm hungry," Maddox whines.
"Sure," I say, still slightly shocked that Ryder and Ollie were brave enough to pull off a prank that could get them suspended.
We spend 40 minutes in the lunch queue to end up with a plate of soggy chips and limp lettuce (they ran out of fish.) Just as I was about to go join the boys at the table a girl with ebony coloured hair and a makeup laden face steps into my path.
"My name is Vivienne, we haven't met but I know everything that goes on in this school. Sources tell me that you have been spending a lot of time with Maddox. Stay. Away. From. Him. He's mine, everyone knows it. He is going to be asking me to the Summer Ball, just so you know," she smirks at me triumphantly.
I take a deep breath.
"Well Vivienne, you can go tell your so called "sources," they can go jump of a cliff. And as for Maddox, he would never look at you that way. He doesn't look at girls that way, I'll tell you a secret... he's gay." Not wanting to spend another minute looking at Cake Face, I walk angrily towards the guys.
"You have an admirer, Maddox." I tell him, pushing my hair out of my face.
"Please tell me that you told her I was gay," he pleads, a look of horror on his face. "Vivienne won't stop, its painful."
"Don't worry, everything is under control," I tell him, giving him a look of sympathy.
After lunch I head to gym, glancing down at my watch. I look at the date today.
The colour drains from my face.

Ollie POV
I have one class with Constance a day, gym. 10 minutes into the gym lesson and Constance still hasn't arrived. Worried, I ask Coach if I can get a drink. Leaving the hall, I walk down the stairs to the library, where I hear muffled sobs. Turning the corner quickly I see Constance curled up in a tiny ball, her shoulders shaking. Her blonde hair obscures her face from my vision.

Constance POV
It's the anniversary of my parents death. I forgot, I didn't visit their graves. Aunt Mikkie is out of town to give me space and I forgot. I feel a warm hand settle on my shoulder. I jerk myself away, looking up from tear stained eyes to see Ollie crouching next to me.
"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." He speaks gently. "What's wrong, you can tell me," he tells me.
"I want to tell you, but I'm scared you won't like me, I have so much baggage." I manage to get out between sobs.
" You can be my friend no matter what, Constance. Don't ever doubt that." He tells me firmly.
"I've never told anyone about this before, but a couple years back my parents died in a car crash, and I was in a coma for a while. My aunt took me in and we moved away, this year I moved back." I wince, peeking at him to see a reaction. He says nothing but pulls me into a hug.
"You are so brave, Constance," he whispers into my hair.

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