Remember me?

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Authors Note// hey everyone thanks for giving this book a shot, 70 reads??? Thank you guys so much 🙏🙏🙏 Also this chapter is dedicated to my first fan cutesycrystal, thank you all so much for your support everyone! Feel free to send me a message or comment :) :)
Constance POV
I'm lying in my bed unable to get to sleep and it's nearing 12:00. Earlier in the evening, after ice cream, I visited the grave of my parents. I let it all out the tears, the screams, the pleas for help.
Every time I shut my eyes the flashbacks start. This time it's different. Instead of the car lights, I see a little boy with caramel eyes, smiling at me. Those eyes, I've seen them before, they are that unmistakable shade of gold.
Pulling out my phone I press the call button with shaking hands. He picks up on the first ring.
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you alright? Please tell me you haven't died," he questions groggily.
"Can you meet me at Greenfold Park?" I say hastily.
"I'll be there in 10." He says, hanging up.
I throw on a pair of sweats, and tiptoe my way down the stairs, carefully trying not to wake Aunt Mikkie. Walking to Greenfold Park, I relish the feeling of being back where my childhood was, even if I can't remember it.

Ryder POV
I pace back and forth under the looming oak tree that we used to meet up under when we were kids. I see her emerging from the wood and the sodium street lamps bathe her in a warm glow. I clear my threat to attract her attention. I hope she remembers me. Wait, who am I kidding she probably wants nothing to do with me. She steps closer towards me, "Hey," she tells me nervously shifting slightly on her feet.
"Hi," I say nervously.
"Ok, I'm just gonna say it. Did I know you before? My parents died in a car accident and I was left in a coma, I forgot everything. My aunt made us move away, too many bad memories and all, you know? I just keep remembering your eyes, which I know sounds creepy, but it's true. Everything about you seems familiar, your touch, your voice, even the way you smile." She pauses for a breath. "And the first day when you asked me out, I almost said yes because, well, it felt like I'd already known you for years." She finishes, tears clouding in her eyes. I immediately stride forward and wrap her in my arms, I feel tears sliding down my own face.
"My little Connie, I thought you left me. We were best friends from the age of six, we were inseparable. When you left it broke my heart, no one would tell me where you went. My parents disapproved, and didn't let me write to you. That day when I saw you in the parking lot and I asked you out it was because I was afraid to lose you again. Then in the ice cream parlour, I knew the answer of every single one of  those questions I asked you, I just wanted to hear you speak. I'm so sorry about your parents, I had no idea, I thought you just moved out of town. And you, in a coma?" I pull her down to the grass and draw her towards me.
"I remember now, I always met you under this tree, because your parents didn't allow us to meet at your house. I had a nickname for you too... what was it?... I remember. Reesie Peecie, because you loved Reeses Pieces!" She giggles fondly. I rest my chin on the top of her head gently, and inhale her vanilla scent that I missed so much. We stay like this for what feels like hours, but neither of us move.
"I can't believe you finally came back to me, I've found you," I tell her. When I look down I realise she is sleeping with a small smile on her face. Not wanting her to get cold I tug off my jacket and drape it over her, then I press a light kiss to her forehead. I let her sleep for a couple of hours before taking her home and grudgingly hand her back over to her aunt. I walk home with a silly smile on my face.

Constance POV
When I enter the house the grin on my face drops as I hear muffled cries coming from the living room. I quickly drop my bag and run towards Aunt Mikkie.
"Hey, what's wrong, talk to me," I say frantically searching for a way to calm her down.
"Will I ever found what your parents had? I'm going to die alone.. My date was awful again!" She sobs uncontrollably.
"Aunt Mikkie, there is someone out there who is made for you... I know what will make you feel better! Cookie Dough batter and Pride and Prejudice." At this Aunt Mikkie manages to smile, and let out a half-laugh through her tears.
"Thank you munchkin, you always know how to make me feel better."
Grabbing a warm blanket, I set her down on the sofa and give her a couple minutes to calm down. I should really make a start on that maths homework I think to myself, before quickly dismissing the thought.

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