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Ryder POV
Ollie and Constance are out on a date. Constance looks stunning and I can't help but picture myself as the one sitting next to her. Constance is laughing at something Ollie said. I can feel the fume coming out of my ears. Constance looks up, her blue eyes catch mine. The smile drops off her face and is replaced by confusion and something else unreadable. I should have seen it coming, the good guy always gets the girl. Ollie will give her what she deserves, he will treat her like a princess, I wish I could. My father would never allow it. With a final glance in their direction, I run my hand through my hair and walk towards my father, who is already seated at a table the other side of the restaurant. I sit down at the table, feeling the sweat forming on the back of my neck.
"Why did you ask to have dinner with me, a business deal you need to brag about?" I ask him harshly, cutting right to the chase. I enjoy the power I hold, as my father squirms slightly in his chair. He's always felt guilty about being absent for the majority of our lives.
"Ryder, don't be brash. I just wanted to tell you that the negotiations are going well, but you hitting it off with the CEO's daughter is necessary to seal the deal," he states formally.
"Father, haven't you ever considered the fact that I might want to find someone who I actually love. Oh, wait you wouldn't know the meaning of that would you?" I growl at him.
"Ryder, stop. I have given you everything you have ever asked for. The one time I need your help and you're talking about love? You know how quickly I could bring down the whole prospect of a career for you? Just like that," he says clicking his fingers in front of my face. Not knowing how much longer I can handle my temper, I leap out my seat and storm out the restaurant. As I leave the restaurant, I see Ollie holding the car door open for Constance. She laughs delicately before kissing his cheek and ducking into his car. Seeing red, I storm towards my car and slam the door. "Holy crap, shit, dipstick, mother f-ing idiot," I randomly curse at the world, before throwing my fist into my car window.

Ollie POV
I drive Constance home, I can't help thinking about how beautiful she looks. I keep sneaking glances at her, hoping she won't notice. When we get to her house, I turn to face her.
"Thank you for having dinner with me," I tell her earnestly.
"It was my pleasure," she smiles. I lean towards her slightly and slowly press my lips to hers. She smells like honeysuckle. I pull back slightly.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask nervously.
"See you then," she replies blushing. She hops out the car and hurries to her front door. She turns around before she goes inside, she waves and mouths thank you.
I'm so screwed I think to myself, unable to stop the childish grin making its way onto my face.

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