Cookie Dough Ice Cream and 20 Questions

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Ryder POV
Constance has been looking upset since gym, I don't know what's wrong. It's driving me crazy not being able to help her. I make my way over to her at the end of the day, she is sitting in the drivers seat of her Porsche, shades down and headphones on.
"Hey, Maddox and I are getting ice cream after school, do you want to join us?" I ask, pulling her headphones back gently, hoping she will say yes.
At the sound of ice cream Constance's eyes light up, she nods her head frantically.
"I haven't had ice cream in months," she rushes excitedly. "Hop in, we can head there now, I'll call Maddox to meet us there."
"Sure," I say, sliding into the passenger seat. " I never really apologised for the way I acted before at lunch, I'm so sorry, that wasn't like me. Also I'm sorry I asked you out the way I did, it was insensitive, a girl like you should be asked out properly. Not on a whim like I did." I mumble, feeling ashamed.
"Don't worry, we're friends now, we just got off to a rocky start." She smiles tenderly.
" I want to get to know you, we're friends and I barely know anything about you," I tell her.
"Okay ask me anything and I will tell you the answer," She agrees.
"Favourite colour?"
"Favourite food?"
"Baked Camembert"
"Biggest fear?"
"Loosing those who I love"
"Favourite memory?"
"When I was seven and my parents took me to Disney Land"
"When is your birthday?"
"7th of November."
"Here is the place," I say pulling into the parking lot.
"Hey, that's not fair I didn't find out anything bout you," she pouts. Melting a little, I agree to her inquisition once we buy our ice cream.
The guy in the shop is ogling at Constance and I reflexively pull her into my side. I throw a glare at the acne scarred guy, who now looks slightly frightened. Constance looks at me questioningly before shrugging and going back to the looking at the ice cream choices.
"Can I get cookies and cream in a cup please," she asks.
"Course," I reply pulling out my wallet. Just as I'm about to pay Constance is lifted up. I spin round ready to punch someone, but relax when I realise that it's only Maddox. Constance is doubled over laughing whilst Maddox is tickling the living daylights out of her.  A smile appears on my face watching the two of them get along so well, almost like siblings.
Constance POV
I can barely breathe I'm laughing so hard. Maddox is unrelenting, out of the corner of my eye I see Ryder smiling at us. It is hard not to notice Ryder, when he smiles a dimple forms at the corner of his mouth, the frown line between his brows disappears and his caramel eyes fill with warmth. Looking at him for too long makes your breath hitch.

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