Just a Normal Day at Grimm Manor

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Richard's POV:

I tried to hold Peyton down as she squirmed in my arms, refusing to be rocked to take a nap. "I wanna play outside with the wolfies!" She cried out. I laughed nervously.

"Oh, you don't want to do that. It's nap time! Best time of the day," I told her. She let out an angry growl at me, but I didn't loosen my grip. "Peyton, mommy loves you, but you need to take a nap." Paris walked up to us then and smiled at Peyton.

"Hey pretty girl! Let's take a nap with Dannie!" Paris suggested as Dannie was running after Paris with his stuffed bunny. He caught onto one of Paris's legs and looked up towards Peyton, giving her a smile. She looked up at Paris and then at Dannie and started to cry.

"But I wanna go outside to play," she insisted. "I'm not tiwred."

"Oh yes you are." Paris said and smirked. "Want me to tell you a story?" He asked. "How about one called, Where The Wild Ones Are?" He smirked, that one was Dannie's favorite. She perked up at the idea of a story and smiled sweetly.

"Story time, story time, story time!" She giggled excitedly. I sighed and stood up with her out of the rocking chair.

"Seems you win again Paris," I whispered towards him as I walked over.

"I'm just a mother." Paris smirked and picked up Dannie then grabbed Peyton and went towards her bed, sitting down on it and laying them down together. "There once was a boy," He began to tell the story. Dannie always interrupted with questions or with adding on to the story. Eventually he got the two to take a nap. I smiled and gestured for Paris to come while he could.

"You know... I'm Peyton's mother," I told him, reminding him that it wasn't because he was a mom.

"So?" Paris asked then wrapped an arm around me and kissed my cheek. "There's nothing wrong with them loving to hear me tell them stories." I sighed and gave him a kiss.

"Yes, but you steal them from me every time," I whispered and then started to pull him towards the door. Paris followed me out the door and shut it behind him quietly.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it." Paris smirked and pinched my cheek.

"You can too.... Peyton caught a lizard today and stuck it in our bed," I told him and laughed. "She was so proud of herself." Paris wrinkled up his nose and shook his head.

"That's gross! You got it out right? I don't want a lizard crawling up my pants legs tonight." Paris laughed at the thought and Hachi appeared in front of us, he was learning how to teleport currently. I smiled at him and then looked to Paris.

"I put the lizard in a jar and gave it to Cage to release outside. Oh, and she asked if she could have a pet," I said, kissing his cheek sweetly.

"She can have a pet when she gets her first power." Paris told me. Hachi smiled and walked up to us.

"I can get her an owl." Hachi suggested. I laughed and pulled Hachi into a hug.

"How about something less predatory?" I kissed the top of his head then. "I think we should get her a doggy. She likes the werewolves so much."

"Bet she's going to have a werewolf as a pet- or a mate when she is older." Paris mumbled. "Following her uncle already." He tsked.

"Hey, I'm not that bad." I widened my eyes as Louis was behind us. "You know you love me Paris," he said and hugged Paris around the waist. Paris turned around and hugged Louis.

"I love you." Paris said sweetly to Louis and kissed the top of his head. "Where's August?" He asked curiously.

"Alpha things I believe. I'm watching the kids today," Louis said and smiled. I saw his twins hiding behind his legs.

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