Down with the Bloody Red Council

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Charlie's POV:

Dante sighed as he came back with the last bags from our trip and set them down in our bedroom inside my family manor. "There we go.... Aren't you going to go say hi to your twin?" He laughed and came over, giving me a kiss. I pulled out of the kiss as the door was flung open and I heard Riley rushing to me and tackling me onto the bed.

"CHARLIE!" Riley said desperately. "I missed you! I won't ever let you leave my side again. You won't ever go near Dante too! He takes you off way too much for my liking." He kissed my cheeks and started for my neck then playfully bit me, making me yelp. I struggled under him.

"Dante help!" I begged. Dante quickly pulled Riley off of me and growled, exposing his fangs and biting down into Riley as punishment. Riley yelped and bit Dante back without much hesitation. I widened my eyes. "Stop it boys!" I hissed. I heard Riley growl. Dante growled back threateningly as he grabbed Riley by the front of his shirt and pressed him up against a wall.

"Don't you growl at me Riley... I could kill you so fast," he trailed off as he stared Riley down, licking his lips then let go and hugged Riley. "Now don't bite Charlie," he said and let go, coming over to me and crawling into bed beside me.

"He's my twin." Riley hissed and reached out for me. "Come on Charlie." He urged me to come to him and it was very tempting. I started for him then, wanting to be in his arms. Dante grabbed me and pulled me down onto the bed again.

"Riley, he's my mate. You have to live with the fact that you have to share Charlie with me. If you can't.... then I'll simply run off with him to Hawaii next time," Dante told him, looking him straight in the eyes challengingly.

"He's my twin though." Riley whimpered as he looked pained to see me separated from him. I bit my bottom lip hard, breaking the skin and it started to bleed. He was by me in a second, looking at my lip and running his thumb against the wound. Dante made a small noise as he sat up to look at it and frowned.

"Charlie, if you are should eat something... You can have a bite out of me," he offered, exposing his neck then looked at Riley, pulling him down onto the bed beside me as he understood that I had wanted Riley as well. "Now we'll both share Charlie and give him all the love he deserves." Riley curled up to me lovingly as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"My little twin... all grown up but yet still the same age." He mumbled to me, making me blush. I looked towards Dante's neck and shook my head.

"I don't want anything to drink." I told Dante as I licked my lip to heal it. He nodded and curled up on my other side, wrapping me up in his arms as he shared me with Riley, not pulling me away from him.

"Ok my love," he mumbled and kissed my cheek. I purred slightly as I felt their body heat warming me up with love.

"I love you two." I said sweetly.

"I love you to little twin." I heard Riley whisper into my ear. Dante purred into my other ear and his breath tickled my neck. I felt him kiss my neck and then he sharpened his fangs, running them across my skin. He bit down gently and started to remark me. I let out a moan and arched my back, making me blush.

"Not in front of my twin!" I yelped.

"But he's your twin... your other half. He'll be ok. Besides, I promised to share you with him today," Dante whispered as he licked the bite and then bit down again gently, drinking from me. I growled at him and heard Riley chuckle as he started to run his fingers through my hair.

"Oh little Charlie... are you ready to go train with me today?" He asked in my ear. Dante laughed and kissed my cheek as he finished drinking from me.

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