The Taste of Hell Runs Deep in his Blood

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Raven's POV:

I sat down on the couch and wiped off my face from the amazing fight I just had. I just killed the god of Phoenix and became the new goddess. I giggled and looked at his blood on my hand. He had tasted so good too, and his newborns protecting him were nothing short of perfection. I licked my hand clean and then looked at my dress, tsking. "There's no saving this dress though," I mumbled.

"Hi! Look at who just killed the god of Phoenix!" Paris said as he came into the room with a glass of wine in his hands and an extra one. He handed it to me. "I'm so proud of you. RICHARD! COME IN HERE MY LOVE!" I took the wine and glanced it over before taking a sip. Richard came in and smiled at Paris sweetly.

"Yes Paris? Did you want me?" He purred, teasing him a little as he stayed just out of reach.

"Come in here, we are celebrating with Raven. She just grabbed more land for herself. It means less work for me." Paris laughed as he looked towards me. "Raven, did you hear that Lauren just became a maker?" Wait what? I set down the glass, sitting up a bit.

"Lauren became a maker?" I giggled and stood up. "That's great! I knew she'd eventually become one. She's going to be a great teacher!" I looked towards Richard and smiled sweetly as he walked over to Paris, wrapping an arm around his waist. I glanced at Paris and then bit my bottom lip. So he either plans to let me keep what I've earned... or he expects me to hand it over?

"I'm going to give you much more land though." Paris whispered to me. "I'm still thinking about your territories here..." He smirked and motioned me to come over. "You have blood under your eye. Let me wipe it off." I frowned, walking over.

"I could just do it myself though," I mumbled and stood in front of him, looking up at him. Richard laughed at that and kissed Paris's cheek. In seconds Paris had moved Richard behind me and closed me into him then cut his wrist and forced me to drink his blood. I widened my eyes and went to pull back quickly, trying to spit it out in alarm.

"Hold her." Paris whispered to Richard as he shoved his wrist deeper into my mouth. Richard grabbed me and held me down, laughing a bit.

"You are scaring her Paris," he told him and kissed the top of my head. Muffled by Paris's wrist, I screamed out and thrashed in Richard's arms, trying to get free. Suddenly Paris's blood took me over with bad happy feelings. It was unnatural and his blood was addicting. It tasted of tea, coffee, oranges, and chocolate but it also had a dark side. Something I didn't want to dance with but I was already caught up in a nasty tango with it. It swirled through my system telling me to obey Paris but also be as destructive as possible. I could feel myself changing... becoming.... demonic. I never touched hell until I bit into Paris and got a small feel of it. I stopped thrashing and started to drink Paris's blood after hesitation, giving in. I felt Richard slowly let go of me as I went towards Paris. He exposed his neck then, welcoming me.

"Not so scary anymore, am I?" Paris asked and smooshed me between Richard and him as he kissed Richard's lips.

"No, he's not," Richard purred to me as he kissed Paris on the lips then leaned in to my ear. "Drink up sweetie." I closed my eyes and leaned in towards Paris's neck, biting down gently to get a better taste. Paris grunted then brought us onto the couch, making me sit in his lap. Richard grabbed Paris's wrist and licked it clean, healing it as he purred to him. I glanced over at Richard and then at Paris before leaning back into his neck and continuing. He exposed his neck more and laughed.

"Now who says I was evil?" Paris asked and looked towards Richard. "I let people drink from me every now and then- besides you."

"You're going to make me jealous," Richard joked and ran his fingers through my hair, pulling it back from my face. "She's hooked, isn't she?" He laughed and looked at Paris, kissing his cheek. I ignored him as I kept drinking, enjoying the taste and hating it all at the same time as I got confused about it. Was it good, or was it bad? I couldn't tell anymore. Paris pushed me away then and beside him as he pulled Richard into his lap.

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