The English Pureblood Laurence

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Paris's POV:

I looked out the lemo's window as we arrived at an old fashioned castle in England. It's the Prince of England's castle. It was one of the oldest and most well known castles throughout England. I stepped out of it first and looked behind me for Richard to follow. Did he even remember the Prince of England? He got out of the car and stretched, glancing around and then smirked as he saw a nearby gardener taking care of some hedges. He looked like he was thinking about eating him, but he looked at me and smiled at me innocently. I snickered and him.

"You know you can't eat one of his workers without his consent." I teased. He tsked at me and smirked.

"I know, but he can't stop me from thinking about it." He leaned in confidently and stole a kiss before walking past me. I followed him towards the doors. As soon as we started for it the double doors flew open and a few butlers started for the lemo. They grabbed our bags and one came out towards us.... a ghostly figure.

"My name is Baleen.... He is in his throne room...." Baleen said and bowed to us. OH MY GOSH.... THIS... IS... BALEEN... Last time I seen him he was human! That was... forever ago... Now he is a ghost.


"We've met?" He tilted his head in confusion. Richard frowned at that and glanced at me.

"Seems like his memories didn't carry on with him into the afterlife....Baleen, don't you remember my bachelor party? We went out into town with the Prince of England and got drunk and took ourselves to a-" He stopped himself as he blushed and looked at me.

"Where?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. I looked towards Baleen. Baleen is The Prince of England's personal butler. He dresses, feeds, bathes, and assists his master in any and every way. He was every butler's role model.

"Don't worry about it my sweet," Richard said, putting an arm around my waist as he pulled me to him as he attempted to distract me from it by kissing my neck. I decided not to worry too much on it. Baleen faded away before us and I pulled Richard with me into the castle.

"I can't believe The Prince of England didn't turn him!"

"Well, you can't turn everyone, and sometimes it is more merciful not to. Maybe now Baleen gets some peace from him. At least he's here as a ghost...." He laughed in my ear and then nipped it playfully. "Now let's go see Laurence." I smirked softly as I lead him to the throne room. Laurence was propped up on his throne in a slouchy way. He watched as we came into the room. Laurence's appearance always got the best of me when I seen him. Unlike most purebloods... He never aged in appearance over thirteen. He was trapped in a boyish look for all eternity. Rumor had it that it was because he was cursed. He was actually older then Richard and I. That's what was hilarious. I smirked slightly towards him. He had white curly hair that was shoulder length and he let it curl like it was still in fashion. He was in a nice suit and tie outfit which I guessed Baleen put together. I never seen him dress himself... if he did I didn't expect it to be so clean like.

"Paris? Richard." He said up and adjusted himself as he moved to stand up. He looked us over with a thirst for us. "Your here earlier then expected. By a minute." Richard laughed.

"We can go back outside for a minute if you'd like," he joked and let go of my waist, walking up to greet Laurence.

"Last time I checked you two were sleeping." He teased, ignoring Richard's joke. He pulled Richard into a hug then walked towards me and hugged me. He was short too... Didn't even make five feet in height. I held in a laugh. He glared at me. "STOP LAUGHING AT ME." He hissed out. Richard bust out laughing behind him and held his sides as he managed to stay upright, not even bothering to cover it up. As Laurence turned to look at him, he turned it into coughs quickly, moving to cover it.

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