Dante's little Pet

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Charlie's POV:

I pulled up at the café and got out, smiling softly as I looked it over. I had a strange taste for coffee all morning, so I decided to come here alone. I wanted to show Riley and Dylan that they couldn't rule me either. I sort of sneaked out. I walked into the café and walked over to a booth, taking a seat. A waitress walked up, handing me a menu. "Well hello Mr. Ainsworth. Coffee? Let me guess which twin you are... Charlie?" She gave me a warming smile and I noticed it was Rose, she waited on Riley and I all the time here.

"Rose!" I smirked. Her name reminded me of the vampire Rose, Paris's little sister. Though they looked nothing alike they had the same name. "Morning-ish. I'd love some coffee and you guessed right." I told her. She giggled and wrote down my special order, I always ordered. "How about a cake to go with it, surprise me." She nodded and walked off to get me it. I watched her leave then looked out the window. I watched a few kids running around on the sidewalk outside the window and laughing as they played tag. I shook my head and looked down at the menu in my hands then sat it down on the table. Someone came up and sat down in front of me with a smirk.

"Hello Charlie," he purred as he looked me over. His dark eyes seemed to be plotting something as he smirked, running his fingers through his black hair. I looked him over and felt a strange feeling that I knew him. Why does he know my name...

"Hi..." I trailed off as I looked him over, trying to figure out where or how I knew him. Who just sits down in front of someone anyways? Rose came back with a step in her feet, giving me my coffee.

"There you go Charlie." She poked my cheek then giggled. "Cakes coming up in a minute."

"Thanks Rose." I gave her a small smile. She glanced over at the guy across from me.

"Can I get you something?" She asked and placed a hand on her hip. He glanced up at her and nodded.

"Sure....A cup of....Uh... I would like some tea please," he said and gave her a smile. He looked back towards me and studied me. "So Charlie.... It seems that you got the information I wanted." He smirked and leaned in towards my ear. "I order you to remember every ounce of what happened that I made you forget," he whispered then pulled back, looking out the window. My eyes blurred over a bit as I started to get memories of knowing him and us making our deal. I widened my eyes as I realized who he was. Rose had walked off by then.

"I have the information." I mumbled softly. He's not going to like it either. He nodded and looked towards me.

"Then spill," he said simply, waiting. "I'm sure that whatever you have to say about it is not going to affect things." I sighed and took a sip of my coffee.

"The girl your after lives with Paris." I mumbled into my cup of coffee. His eyes widened and then he hissed under his breath, clearly pissed.

"Paris.... Oh, I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance earlier," he muttered. He glanced up at me then stood up. "As I promised, I won't harm you. Enjoy your coffee." He tossed money down onto the table to pay for his tea and tip Rose before starting to walk off. I watched him and widened my eyes. Kill Paris?! I sat my coffee down and took out my phone to call Paris and inform him that he'd need to watch his back. There was no way I was going to let this slip. He saw me just as he had gotten to the door and narrowed his eyes. "Oh...that's right, you're a loose end.... I need to take care of that before you spoil any of my plans here." He turned to me and looked me in the eyes. "Charlie Ainsworth, I command you to-" I screamed and got to my feet, taking off to the back of the café where the chief's were cooking- knowing there was a back door. I ran through it, dodging the pans and pots and ran out the back door. I need to get something in me to make sure I survive the next two weeks. He appeared in front of me and snatched me up, searching my pockets cautiously. He pulled out my knives, guns, wallet, and phone and tossed it to the side. "Now, now... Where do you think you are going little vampire hunter?" He mumbled lowly in my ear as he brought me close. "I still have business with you." I shrieked as he took my knives away and tossed them.

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