Isaac's Mother & Sister

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Isaac's POV:

I pulled Hachi towards my mother's front door and smiled, not bothering to hide the tail. She'd probably find it adorable. "So make sure not to make any threats towards her, ok?" I glanced over my shoulder at him, giving him an encouraging smile.

"No way... She heard about me on the news so she is just going to have to deal with the real me." Hachi was determined to be himself. "Now... kill me?" He begged. "Turn me into a piece of paper for the rest of the day?" I shook my head and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind me.

"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted and listened for any signs of her. She appeared in front of me, her hair brushed neatly over her shoulder in her curls. I smiled at her and let go of Hachi, going over to her.

"Isaac, my dear!" She looked delighted to see me and hugged me quickly. "You've been away for far too long.... Have you given up wizardry yet?"

"Nope, still using it," I told her and kissed her cheek. She sighed then exposed her fangs, leaning in towards my neck like she usually does when she sees me after long periods of times. I smiled and tilted my head for her.

"Hey~ That's my little Isaac now. Don't go biting him without my permission or you will get stung by the stitches I just put in." Hachi informed her as he started to walk through the house, making himself at home. She growled as she noticed the stitches for the first time.

"You let him mark you?" She whispered lowly. I frowned and kissed the top of her head.

"It's not like I had a choice.... He chained me up...and I wanted to be marked," I told her. She sighed and moved away, not wanting to risk it. She glanced at my tail as I moved it, and then she widened her eyes.

"ISAAC!" She quickly spun me around and touched my tail. "What the hell happened?! You have a tail now?!" I laughed and moved my tail out of her hands and up under my shirt, turning to look at her.

"Yes, father decided to sacrifice me to hell. I'm part demon now," I informed her. She growled in irritation.

"Boy, you are going to start living with me. I don't like what you've been getting into." She pulled me close. "I'm going to murder that man.... I swear, if I ever see his face again..."

"He was very delicious." Hachi said as he walked up, eating an apple. "Just like this apple." He held it up in the air then glanced her over. "Wonder what you will taste like." Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she didn't saw anything against him, being polite. I sighed and wrapped my arms around her.

"Hachi, this is my mother. Play nice," I told him and kissed the top of her head. I loved being taller than her.... so many more advantages.

"Well... last time I played nice.... I was eating out that sweet girl's eyes." Hachi told me, rubbing it in bad he was a cannibal. "So, can we go now?" He asked. "You seen eachother and kissed and hugged and now it is time to go." My mother shook her head and pulled away from me, smiling at Hachi.

"No.... I have many things to tell Isaac, and I'd love if you stayed. You are very interesting Hachi.... I'm glad my son isn't settling for that other girl he had earlier. He shouldn't settle...." She smiled innocently then pulled me towards the living room, sitting me on the couch and bouncing over to a book shelf. She pulled down the album from my childhood and brought it over, setting it in my lap. "Open it Isaac. There's something inside towards the end that you should see." Frowning, I glanced up at her then opened it up, flipping to the back. I shook my head as I saw my old high school photos.

"Mom, I've seen these before." She smiled and shook her head, bending down.

"Wanna know what happened to those vampire genes of yours? Why you only exhibited wizard genes? It's because it took a bit, but you eventually stopped aging. Compare yourself now to your senior photo and your photo from your twenty first birthday. You slowed down dramatically....and you look the same as you did when you turned twenty." I widened my eyes and studied the pictures, noticing that when I was twenty, I looked nineteen or eighteen.

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