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Ba-ring! Ba-ring! Stars mirror rang as she rushed over to see the name of the the caller. Groaning when she saw the three letters that where on the screen she answered. "Tom, if this is some dumb ploy to get me back I swear- " "No Star please listen! I need your help now! Something urgent just came up and I need your magic." Tom desperately pleaded. When Star heard his voice it sounded different, like it was in a higher pitch. Star brushed it off as she recognized the three firey red eyes in Tom's dark room. "Sure but Tom, why are there no lights on in your room?" The mewman asked tilting her head like a confused puppy. "I'll explain later I'm coming over to Marcos house right now bye!" He yelled as there mirror call ended leaving the princess even more confused.

Not a minute later a wall of fire emerged in Stars room. "Finally I can get some answers." She grumbled as the prince of hell came out through the flames. Stars mouth hung open in shock. "Tom?" She asked staring at the female demon before her. The girl was in Tom's clothes but they seemed bagger then before. She had Tom's ruby-red eyes and the same skin tone and hair color but her hair was slightly longer and now reached down to her shoulders. In short, standing in Stars room was the female version of Tom. "H-hey star." Tom stuttered as she sheepishly waved at her ex. "Wha? But your a GIRL?" Star waved her arms in the air frantically trying to understand the situation. "Calm down Star and just let me explain." Tom said as the princess of Muny sat on her bed expectantly.

"So I was woking on my magic in my room today parents orders you know the drill. Anyways, I was progressing well with transformation spells so I was going to try a gender swapping spell on a cat I was given a week ago. And as you know gender swapping requires an extreme amount of energy so I focused on changing the male cat to a female. Right when I let the spell go my dad opened my door and knocked me off balance causing the spells magic to ricochet off my walls and onto me swapping my gender and changing me into a girl. He and my mother were already overworked with running the underworld and all they sent me to you to see if you could help." Tom finished explaining and Star looked at her as she tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I'll look through my spell book for a reversal spell of some kind in the mean time you can just chill here. Oh and tell Marco your here he's downstairs making nachos!" Star exclamed as she dove under her bed for her book. "OK." Tom said as she walked to the Diaz's kitchen.

"Hey Marco." Tom smirked as she leaned on the entryway to Marco's kitchen. "GAH!" Marco shouted as he threw some cheese in the air. "Who are you?" Marco asked eyeing Tom suspiciously. "It's me Marco you old pal Tom." The princess of hell said to the young boy. "Tom?" Marco said surprised that the once male demon he had been dating for over a year had suddenly swapped genders and was now standing across from him in his kitchen. "Yep its me babe!" Tom exclamed running up to his lover and engulfed him in a hug. Marco blushed thinking about his boyfriend turned girlfriend hugging him. "W-what happened to you?" Marco asked blush staining his cheeks. "Well," Tom said looking off into the distance as she started her explanation. (Insert explanation here cuz I'm to lazy to re-write it) "And that's basically what happened." Tom finished with Marco looking at slightly confused. "So wait let me get this straight, your female. Like with female parts and stuff." Marco asked avoiding eye contact after the last few words. "Yep" Tom chirped smirking at her flustered boyfriend. "Hey Markie do you wanna do something fun with me." Tom sang in a suggestive manner eyeing Marco suductively. "Uh d-depends what do you have in m-mind?" Marco asked getting slightly nervous at his girlfriends actions. "This." She said as she smashed her lips into the brunettes and started kissing him.

Marco was surprised at the sudden movement but soon complied and melted into the kiss. He moaned and wrapped his hands around Tom's head and ran his fingers through her hair. "Tom! I found a reversal spell!" Star yelled from her room. Tom groaned and detached there lips making Marco whine from the loss of contact "Coming Star!" Tom yelled smirking at Marcos half lidded expression. "We can continue this later when I get my dick back." Tom grinned as Marco pulled back and blushed profoundly "O-ok sure whatever." He stuttered and looked at the floor near his feet. "TOM!" Star shouted "Alright alright, geze don't get your wand in a bunch." Tom chuckled as he made his way up the stairs with Marco still stuttering and blushing at the floor. Nether demon nor human got any sleep that night and Marco couldent walk the day after.

AN: Hey! So this is my first fanfic make sure to comment your thoughts spelling/grammar corrections are appreciated. See you in the next story!

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