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Dipper would have never thought he'd end up like this. Not in a million years.

Well, sure he had some moments where he'd gotten a strange urge. But he had no idea what it had ment. It was weird, like he suddenly wanted to see the beautiful crimson shade of blood staining his hands.

He brushed it off as some strange hormonal mood swings, it was a believable enough excuse.

Key word, excuse.

Dipper was also not counting the fact he often watched horror movies, finding them quite humorous. And finding that he never once did the teen think anything wasn't normal.

Yet here he was, killing two innocent people for no real reason other than to cure his inhumane blood lust. Not to mention he was partners in crime with none other then the infamous dorito demon, Bill Cipher.

"C'mon Pinetree let's get a move on." Bill said looking down at the two mangled body's that were once a pair of young female humans."Gimme a sec I just want to leave something so the cops know it was us." The brunette smiled as he carved a small eye and a small Pinetree on an arm atop the huge mound of flesh.

"There." The boy smirked as he backed away from the two carcasses. "Alright, now let's get you home. We don't want anyone geting suspicious." Bill smiled down at the slightly shorter boy as he grinned up at him.

"Aw but Billll! There's still three hours untill sunrise!" Dipper whined as he side-hugged the blonde. Bill leaned down and kissed him for a few seconds before straightening up again.

"Yeah I know, but if Mable or your parents wake up and see you're gone.." "Than they'll call the police who'll come looking for me and than we could get caught yeah yeah." Dipper sighed as he looked at the ground scuffing his feet.

"Don't worry Pinetree! Soon you'll be eighteen and you can come live with me!" Bill said cheerfully as he lightly petted the youngers head. "Fine." he mumbled as the blonde grinned and teliported them back to California.

Five months later

"Too youuuu!" The entire Pines family sang as Dipper and Mable blew out there candles. Everyone was gathered together to celebrate the twins eighteenth birthday, even the Stans, Wendy and Soos made it out to wish the twins good luck.

Little did everyone know a certain blonde demon was hidden in the shadows of the house waiting for the precise moment to snatch his love and bolt.

"Thanks you guys!" Mable loudly exclamed earning a subtle eye roll from Dipper. The male had never really liked his so called 'other half' and was pleased that after today, he wouldn't have to be dealing with her annoying habits and bubbly attitude.

"Hey dudes! Let's go check out your presents." Soos smiled gesturing to the huge mound of products littering the entryway. Dipper quietly sighed. I never asked for gifts. He thought as the twins made there way towards there haul.

A few minutes later the entire room was buried in wrapping paper. "This is going to take forever to clean up." Stan grumbled causing Ford to let out a small scoff.

Mable had gotten piles and piles of useless girly crap that she claimed had of some sort of purpose. (While in reality the stuff would probably end up cluttering there already small house.) Dipper had gotten a few articles of clothing, a toothbrush and money.

A toothbrush? Really? Ugh whatever, at least it's not toilet paper again. Bill, be ready to go at 12:00 sharp. He thought telling his dorito boyfriend the time he'd be ready to leave.

The next thing the male heard made a small almost unoticeable smile appear on his face.

Ok see ya in a bit love~

Another time skip (sorry!)

It was still thirty minutes untill twelve and Dipper was getting a bit fidgety. The boy had always been a wall flower, sticking to the side lines unlike is sister who was practically the definition of a social butterfly.

Dipper watched as his sister played games with her friends and was congratulated by many people on turning 18. Dipper let off another eye roll. This party is so boring. He thought. I wish Bill were here.

"Hey did you hear about the recent attack the P.E. staged?" Now this was a topic that sparked Dippers interest. He'd always loved hearing about how his and Bill's attacks effected the civilians and caused them to fear there dynamic duo.

"Yeah. I heard that there last attack was a few days ago. In Chicago if I remember correctly."
"Yeah they should strike any day now. I'm a bit worried, there attacks are definitely becoming more frequent."

You bet they are Dipper smirked and there's still more to come.

Once the clock read 11:45 Dipper quickly excused himself and went upstairs. Fifteen minutes he thought that's plenty of time.

The time Dipper had alone was spent unproductively. Mainly he watched the news, conspiracies about his and Bill's where abouts, and some weird show called Star vs the forces of evil.

At about 11:57 Dipper turned off the tv and shuffled down towards the back door of there house. Once he was sure the coast was clear the brunette briskly opens the screen door and walked out into the cool night air.

Once Dipper rounded the house and walked onto the street he found a black 1967 Chevy impala awaiting him. Dipper rolled his eyed and hopped in. "You're such a nerd." He chuckled earning a fake pout from his partner.

"You sure no one saw you?" Bill asked and before the brunette could reply a voice rang out across the street. "Dipper?! What are you doing?"


Dipper and Bill simultaneously groaned as they faced the worried female twin. "Dipper where are you going? And who's this?" She asked eyeing Bill suspiciously.

"This," Dipper gestured to Bill "is my boyfriend Bill Cipher." Mable's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. 

"B-Bill Cipher? The insane nacho demon that we defeated when we were twelve?" She questioned clearly afraid. "Hey! I'm not a nacho!" Bill whined, crossing his arms.

Dipper chuckled and lightly pecked him on the cheek before turning to Mable with a nuteral expression on his face. "Look Mable, I don't teally want to leave like this, but me and Bill are happy together. If you were really my sister you would respect my decision and let me leave with him." The male brunette stated as tears started to form in his twins eyes.

"B-but I don't understand. Where are you even going?" Mable cryed causing Dipper to feel a pang of sympathy in his almost empty heart.

"Even if wanted to stay, and I don't, I wouldn't be able to. Bill turned me into a demon. And no matter how hard I try, I won't fit into your society anymore." He explaned, though dodging her previous question for fear she would try to go looking for him.

"I'm sorry." With that the blonde that everyone forgot was in the car stomped on the gas causing the car to lurch forward, almost hitting Mable in the proses.

"By the way, my names not Dipper," the teen shouted over the roar of the engine. "It's Alcor!" 

Um here? Sorry this took so long stuff happened in my life that prevented me from writing. Thanks for reading!

Oneshots (Billdip & Tomco)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang