Highschool Pt.1

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It was Dipper and Mable Pines first day at Gravity Falls high and they were both nervous. Dipper was worried about meeting new people and having to interact with things besides his books and Mable was worried about her grades since they had been slipping back at there old school in California.

Both twins were anxious to start there school year off well, but neither were expecting a certain razzle dazzle dorito to show up and take an interest in a little Pinetree.

"Wooooo! Finally were back in Gravity Falls!" Mable exclamed her enthusiasm making Dipper chuckle. "Yeah I've really missed this place." Dipper said as he pulled out his scedual for school. "Well see ya.." Mable paused to compare sceduals then continued. "Math, Lunch and Art!" Then proceeded to skip of to her home room while Dipper walked to his smiling and Mable's personality.

Time skip to lunch period

Dipper, Mable, Candy and Grenda sat in the cafeteria all eating home brought lunches. The three girls were whispering about boys and eyeing them with flirtatious grins. Dipper just read books on wattpad, smiling of chuckling whenever the characters said or did something amusing. "Hey, can I sit here?" Asked a familiar voice from behind the brunette. Dipper looked over his shoulder at the stranger and quickly scanned him over. The boy wore a bright yellow hoody with black skinny jeans and a pair of converse that matched the shade of his sweater. His hair was half golden blonde in the front and half midnight black in the back. A triangular eye patch covered his left eye and a large grin was displayed on his face making him look almost insane. (Basically looks like the pic above except a little younger and with the clothes just described)

"Uh sure." Dipper replied and scooted over to make room for the slightly taller male. "I'm Will by the way." Will said sticking out his hand for a reluctant Dipper to shake. Dipper had always had a thing with shaking hands after the whole Bill turning him into a living sock puppet incedent. "I'm Dipper. This is my sister Mable and her friends Candy and Grenda" Dipper replied gesturing to each girl who ether smiled or waved when there name was spoken.

"Cool. So your new here right?" Will asked poking at his cafeteria food with a plastic fork. "Yeah but we've been here before." Mable said, obviously forming a crush on Will as she gave a flirtatious smile after she finished talking. "Oh yeah, now I remember why I recognize your names. You were the ones to save the world from that evil dorito demon right?" Will asked causing a slight smile to tug at the corners of Dippers lips from him calling Bill an evil dorito demon.

"Yep that was us." Mable said mouth full of a pb and j sandwich. Not much was said after that topic and the five soon parted ways to go to there next classes.

Time skip three weeks

After three weeks of school being a drag for Mable and enjoyment for Dipper it was Saturday once again. The pines twins had invited Candy, Grenda and Will over for a sleepover and they were preparing the shack for there arrival. Knock knock knock! "Yay there here!" Mable exclamed running to the door and threw it open to find Will standing there with his usual grin. "Hey Sh-Mable!" Will smiled stumbling on her name a bit. I wonder why? Dipper thought as he finished with the food and plopped down on the recliner to watch TV.

"Scooch over Dip!" Will said as he crammed himself on the same seat Dipper was on causing the brunette to be slightly on top of the blonde. (Dipper on top! Ha ha fat chance!)

Dipper blushed since he along with his sister had formed a crush on Will. "Uh Dipper do you actually mind if I tell you something?" Will asked as he looked into Dippers hazel eyes "S-sure." Dipper said as he took Will's hand and led him to a secluded part of the shack.

"What did you want to tell me?" Dipper asked letting go of the blondes hand. "Two things actually, though the first this is more of an action." Will said taking a step closer to Dipper, who took a step back only to run into the wall. "First," Will whispered "Is this." As soon as he finished, Wills lips met Dipper's kissing him lightly.

Dipper froze then slowly melted into the kiss, lightly kissing back. After about twenty seconds Will pulled away and smiled. "I've wanted to do that for a long time Pinetree." He said causing Dippers eyes to snap open in alarm. "Bill?!"

AN: I know it's fast paced but whatever! Next part will be out soon!

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