The Prince

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"Once apon a time hundreds of years ago there was a young and beautiful prince. The prince had abnormal pink hair and red eyes that enhanced his natural beauty all the more, causing every girl (and some guys) to swoon over him.   

The prince, though only 17 years old ruled his kingdom. His rule was one that wasn't accepted by meany but was soon grown accustomed to. The boys young rule was due to terrible things that had heppened in his past. His best friend who was also his older brother was killed during an attack on his castle when he was only 15 and his parents had been kidnapped shortly after and we're presumed dead.

The boy was in a state of depression. With the weight of his family's death and the responsibility of leading a kingdom on his shoulders he felt almost crushed. Untill someone came the help him carry the load.

Another young boy, few years younger than the prince, now king, had befriended the young monarch. Suddenly his life felt a little more bearable.

The male the king had befriended was even more beautiful than he. Shiny brown hair that glistened in any type of light and gorgeous brown eyes that sparkled with curiosity. The young prince had finally found a friend.

Years passed and the pair grew older. They went through there fair share of ups and downs but stuck with each other through it all. They both had tryed having relationships but none seemed to fit. It seemed the two only had eyes for each other.

The prince was now 20 and unfortunately he was in need of a suitor. There were plenty of people he could choose from but his heart had been given soulely to someone unexpected.

His best friend.

The brunette that had stuck beside him through everything. He was there for the prince throughout his depression, anxiety and stress. He helped him cope with the loss of his only family members and friends. And through it all, the boy held a radiant smile on his face. The prince was madly in love with his brunette friend. And the brunette felt the same way.

The prince and brunette kept their relationship a secret. They both didn't want to attract unwanted attention and definitely didn't want to put a target on either of their backs. After almost 5 months of sneaking out of the castle and going on secret dates the prince had decided to propose.

The night the two had was magical. The pair sat hand in hand in a grassy meadow surrounded by glowing fireflies that buzzed around their heads. They talked for the whole night untill the prince deemed the time was right.

He had gotten down on one knee in front of his friend and asked the four simple words he had been itching to say for the past few months.

"Will you marry me?"

Of course his brunette friend had replied with a "yes!" And he placed the ring on his finger to prove it.

When the lovers told the princes kingdom some weren't happy about it. Still some people believed that you could only love the opposite sex and refused to live under the rule of two males.

Diapite the haters the two males had a royal wedding  outside the kings castle. They lived for years and years happily together and ruled their kingdom peacefully and fairly. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end.

The brunette male had fallen terribly ill. The disease he had housed no known cure rendering the prince hopeless.

The brunette passed away peacefully in his sleep, still clutching the princes hand. Without his life line the prince had almost fallen back into the deep hole full of his fears and insecurities. But he didn't.

The prince vowed to live for not just himself but for his passed love. He still ruled his kingdom alone. He never remarried, what would be the point? He could never love anyone as much as he loved the brunette and he managed the kingdom just fine by himself.

After multiple years it was finally the princes time. He was thankful, for he could finally be reunited with his diseased lover.

"See you soon" the prince thought as he slowly drifted off into an eternal slumber."

Tom finished staring at the slab of rock that was his lover tomb stone. "Unfortunately I don't die." Tom whispered as he place a boqet of red carnations in front of the rock before standing up, tears in his eyes.

"I'll miss you Marco." He cryed staring at the words that were etched into the stone.

Marco Diaz
A loving son, friend, husband and father

"We'll never forget you."

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