I give up on titles

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AN: Modern/soulmate au. Tom's a human. And hoT af

What the fuck!?

Not a phrase one would typically associate with there significant other. Yet here Marco was, slouched over, staring blankly at the three words gracefully scrawled across his right arm. "Just my luck." He thought. "My soulmate is a complete dick."

Tom glanced down at his watch reading the time. 1:23. He sighed and spared a glance farther down his arm, contemplating the two words his soulmate would first say to him.

I'm sorry!

The pinkette sighed again and stood up from the park bench, walking meticulously around the other people on the street so as to not bump into them. The last thing he needed was anothera random pissed off guy getting all up in his face.

Once he got to the cross walk that led up to his apartment he smiled and exhaled in relief, tilting back and forth on the balls if his feet, waiting for the light to signal he was allowed to cross.

Soon enough, the street lights chirped and he set to walking across the street at a brisk pace. Once he got to the doors of his apartment he made a move to open the door.

Unill said door his him square in the nose.

"What the fuck!" Tom shouted at the unidentified stranger as he staggered back bringing a hand up to his aching nose trying to dull the pain.

"I'm sorry!" The person cryed making Tom's eyes shoot open. As they rushed toward the pink haired male in a panic they made eye contact causing Tom's heart to stutter. 

He was beautiful.

His large brown eyes met Tom's as he grimaced at the state of his nose.

"Fuck. I think your nose might be broken." The brunette mumbled as he moved away from Tom's face.

All the salmon haired male could do was stare at the other as countless emotions swirled around his head, the main two being affection and amazement as it was accompanied by three simple but powerful words.

He's my soulmate.


After Tom went to the doctor, who quickly identified his broken nose and formed a cast around it (idk if this is how noses work) recommending that he try to take it easy untill the apendage healed, the pinkette turned to Marco who, in turn, blushed faintly averting his eyes.

While the doctors where patching up the handsome man he now knew as Tom, the pieces fell into place and Marco determined that said male was the 'jerky' soulmate that he was destined to find.

After a long thick silence the taller male finally spoke up.

"I uh, didn't manage to catch your name." He said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Marco." The brunette smiled shyly as he avoided eye contact with the other.

"And I take it you uh, figured out we're soulmates?" Tom smirked causing Marcos heart to flutter.

"Y-yeah." He stuttered still avoiding eye contact. Tom smiled warmly and gestured slightly towards the exit.

Marco quickly obliged and shuffled outside with Tom following a few feet back.

As the two got outside Marco made a move for his car and Tom followed him, grabbing his arm as the teen fished his keys out of his sweater pocket and moved to slide them into there respected slots.

"Hey, I was, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go out some time? Only if you want to though, n-no pressure or anything." Tom said pulling his hand away only to move it down to fidget with the sleeve of his shirt.

Marco turned around, a slightly surprised look masking his face. "Um sure." He said causing Tom's face to light up in excitement. "But uh, you do know I'm a guy right?"

Toma face shifted into a half amused half confused expression as he quirked his eyebrow up.

"Yeah, I know you're a dude. Why would it matter?" The pinkette  (I'm totally over using this word) asked leaning towards the shorter male slightly.

"It's just, you seemed so completely and utterly hetero and-" Marco was cut of when a loud laugh fell from Tom's lips.

"You're quite funny, I'm starting to see why we're soulmates." Tom chuckled in between laughs as Marco looked at him with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Sorry," Tom said once he got his laughter under control. "It's just, I'm probably like, the king of all pansexuals. Like, hearts not parts bro."

Marco smiled slightly as he met Tom's eyes. "So you wanted to go out with me?" He asked as Tom nodded a grin taking over his face.

"I'm free tommorow at seven." The brunette said and grabbed a scrap of paper and pen that were in his car, BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS PAPERS AND PENS IN THERE CAR, and scribbled his number down, handing it to Tom.

"Cool, see you then?" The taller male said as he started to walk away folding the paper and putting it into his pocket.

"Well, I kind of drove you here and your apartment building is on the other side of town so..." Marco traled off as realization dawned on Tom and blush spread across his face.

"O-oh yeah. Of course." The pinkette smiled sheepishly as he walked around to to passenger side of Marco's car as flopped in, feeling the brunettes eyes on him the entire way. After Tom hopped in Marco snickered quietly and shook his head fondly.

It was bound to be an interesting drive back.

AN: Hey. I don't really have anything to say other than Tom is a raging pansexual. If you disagree with me it's fine, but in the friendenemys episode his snow cone had the pansexual flag on it. So yeah. Also, what do you guys think about some kind of Heathers crossover? Idk I might do something with it in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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