Into The Bunker

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"Star! Let us out!" Marco scheeched banging on the cold metal door of the closet.

"Not untill you tell Tom that thing you've been wanting to tell him~" Star sang, leaning on top of the closet door adding a little extra weight too make sure there were no means of escape for the two males.

While seaching for clues on the identity of the author of the journal, Marco, Star, Janna and Tom had been able to bust into a rusting bunker underneath a fake pine tree in the middle of the woods.

Due to the fact Marco had mistakenly reveald to Star that he still harbored feelings toward towards Tom, she decided to take things into her own hands and lock them in a closet together, refusing to let them free untill Marco confessed.

"What thing?" Tom asked, curious and surprisingly calm. For being locked in a closet.

"Uhh nothing! Star's just been eating raw sugar packets again." Marco explaned, nervously sweating due to Tom's quizzical gaze on his face and the pace of his exited heart.

"That's besides the point!" Star shouted frantically shoving the crumpled up packets into her pockets.

Suddenly a loud buzz sounded in the closet causing both Marco and Tom to look up in confusion. "Initiate cleansing." A computerized voice echoed from a small, hidden speaker enhancing the two males curiosity slightly.

Suddenly, small rain-like water droplets started showering down on the boys casing them to shout out in surprise. A gust of wind slammed them into them after the spray stopped, drying body off somewhat but leaving there hair still damp.

"Cleanse complete." The voice said as a door opposite to the one Star had closed opened, revealing a weird semi-broken lab that was built out of an underground cave.

"Whoa." Marco breathed as he looked around the cavern.

"Weird. What do you think made these holes?" Tom asked, warily eyeing the large openings in the under ground cave walls.

"Lets hope we don't find out." Marco remarked glancing up at Tom as they walked slowly into the musty room.

Suddenly a loud, rumbling growl came from the catacombs causing the brunette and pinkette to exchange fearful glances and bolt the the closet door begging to be let in.

"Star! Janna! Open up!" Tom yelled. "There's a monster in here!" Marco shouted.

"Ha! Nice try, the only real monster in there is your own inner demons Marco!" Janna exclamed. "That is so wise." Star remarked.

Tom took a worried look over his shoulder at a looming shadow that was approaching them, than desperately looked over to Marco. "Dude, just say whatever Star wants you to say!" He exclamed.

"C'mon Marco! This is your chance!" Star yelled from the other side of the closet. "I.. I.." Marco looked frantically from Tom's worried expression to the shadow geting closer with each passing second.

He sighed.

"I... I uh, like you Tom." Marco said clenching his teeth and averting his eyes away from the wide eyed, pink haired boy in front of him.

A whoop sounded from the other side of the door as it was flung open. Quickly Tom and Marco ran into the confined control room, shutting the door on the growling shadow that was seconds away from reaching them.

They both sighed in relief as the other two females looked at them with confused expressions. As the two males looked up Marco avoided Tom's gaze and shuffled across the room being careful of the scattered junk on the floor.

"It doesn't really look like there's anything of importance here exept this this old, funky, laptop." Janna grinned causing star to chuckle.

"Well, we should head back to the mystery shack, I don't want to miss the ducktective marathon!" Star exclaimed running to get out of the stuffy room and into fresh air.

Marco followed quickly behind her, to nervous to face Tom at the moment. Janna and Tom exchanged glances before following the two others up the stairs and out into the fresh air.

As soon as he got to the surface Tom saw Marco sitting on a log with a frown on his face. Tom sighed and trudged over to the brunette and sat next to him, causing the smaller to jump.

Marco sighed. "Look Tom, some things were said back there in the heat of the moment and I wasn't really thinking straight. So could we just forget that all happened?" He turned away from the pinkette. "Please?"

Tom smiled. "Dude, dude, it's fine. I always kinda knew." Marco whirled around so fast a small bit of his hair slapped him in the eye, causing him to wince.

"Wait, what?!" He asked as Tom let out a small laugh. "Yeah man. You think I don't hear all those things you're constantly whispering to yourself?" Tom smirked. "Ugh, I'm so stupid." Marco groaned, hiding his face in his hands.

Tom smiled down at Marco and placed a hand on his shoulder, causing the brunette to freeze up. "Chill man, I like you too."

Marcos eyes widened and he looked up at Tom. "R-really? You're not just saying that out of pity?" He asked still wide-eyed and hopeful.

"Yep." Tom grinned and placed a small peck on Marcos lips, causing the younger to blush. The pinkette stood up and mounted his bike.

"Remember, it's movie night tommorow. Your place." Tom grinned over his shoulder at the brunette who only nodded, a blushing mess with his hand over his lips.

As Marco sat down he lowered his hand and smiled softly. "I didn't think he'd actually like me back." He mumbled staring in the direction that Tom rode off in.

This day had definitely turned out better than he'd imagined.

AN: I'm so flipping sorry for the lack of updates you guys. I promise to TRY to update more often and work on longer oneshots. Again, sorry. I suck at updating.

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