Many Happy Returns

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Sam's POV

"Anya, we've been walking for hours. Where are we going? This isn't the way to the drop ship." Clark complained. Anya had her hands tied together and held one end of the rope leading her.

"Quiet." Anya didn't bother to answer her question.

"Why not just kill me and get it over with? "

"I would never betray my people. Sam is my people and she asked me to get you home, so that is what I'm doing."

"So let's work together. Let's stop being enemies Anya."

"And unite with someone as weak as you? I have what I need."

"We both want the same thing."

I saw a green dot on Anya's chest. I was confused at first but reacted quickly. "Get down." I pushed Anya down who dragged Clark with her. "They've found us."

Anya looked around for a way out. "Run." She said when she finally found one.

We continued to run until we lost them. "Quiet." Anya whispered-yelled to Clark when she stepped on another twig. "You can't even walk in the woods."

"If I'm such a burden, then cut me loose."

"Heavy footfalls, broken branches, you even smell like them." Anya pulled us up a slope and sat near it watching the Mountain Men try and find us. We slowly walked over to the other side of the slope and sat near the water. Clark lifted it up with her hands to drink.

"No. Not to drink."

"Then why stop? We should be running."

Anya dipped her hand in the water and pulled out mud slapping it onto Clark's face. "You reek. Cover yourself in it."

I followed Anya's lead, covering myself in the mud until we were almost completely covered.

"How are they still following us?" Clark asked taking notice of the Mountain Men only a few feet away from us.

Anya looked Clark up and down. "Because of you. Time to end this." Anya picked up a rock and went after Clark but I grabbed her wrist.

"I'm tired of you two fighting. Anya, she's stepping where you step. She's covered in mud. We're not leaving a trail. It has to be something else."

"They're not following us. They're tracking us." Clark realized. "Search yourselves. If I'm right it should feel like a small bump just under your skin."

Anya and I knew exactly where it was. We both ripped open our selves showing a bump in our skin.

"I can get it out, but you need to untie my hands. I just need something sharp and sterile..."

Anya bit into her arm removing the device. I, not being as much as a badass as Anya, took a sharp rock and removed it.

"Let's move." Anya nodded towards the way we have to travel.

"Anya, you're still bleeding. So are you Sam. At least let me bandage it before it gets infected."

Anya looked down at her arm. While she was distracted she stabbed Anya with a tranquiler dart.

"Clark! What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm sorry about this Sam. But we need to get home."

"She was taking us home!"

"No she wasn't. She was lying to you. I'm sorry." Clark hit me in the head with something she got off the ground and everything went black.


"We made it. We're here." Clark said looking at a piece of the Ark.

"How many are there?" Anya asked panting.

"I don't know. A lot, I hope." Clark turned around and untied our hands. "I'm letting you go. I'm not weak, but I'm not like you. Our only chance against Mount Weather is if we fight together. To beat them, we'll need our technology and your knowledge of this world. I know my people will help. Will yours?"

"The commander was my second. I can get an audience."

Clark stuck out her hand which Anya took without a second thought.

"Thank god." They both turned their heads to me. "I was getting tired of you two fighting."

Anya went to leave when a gunshot was heard. The bullets flew past us and hit Anya right in her stomach. Clark and I rushed to her side, causing Clark to get shot in the arm, and kneeled down next to her.

"Anya. It's okay. No. No. No." Clark freaked out.

I let out a shaky breath and took her hand into mine. "You're fight is over. May we meet again."

"May we meet again." Anya whispered back to me before her eyes closed and she drifted into a dreamless sleep forever.

TBH I was so sad when Anya died. She was the best and they just made a truce.

Love ya😘

I Loved Him**Bellamy Blake [2] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now