Remember Me

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Sam's POV

Clark and I sat in the commander's tent. Well, I stood pacing while Clark just stared at her hand. I didn't think much of it until she was sobbing and aggressively trying to wipe the blood off her hand.

I kneeled down in front of her and grabbed it from her hand. "You did the right think Clark."

"Did I?"

"Yes. If you didn't do that, they would have tortured him. You saved him from that pain and suffering." I slowly began to clean the blood from off her hand. My words sat with her but I could tell she didn't believe them.

Abby and my dad slowly walked into the tent. Abby took over my job while I went to my dad's side.

"Are you okay?" My dad asked trying to break the silence.

"Better than Clark is doing."

"You're a good friend to her."

"With everything that's happening, she needs a good friend."

One of the grounders went through the tent causing Clark to pull herself together. "The commander is ready to talk."

Clark wiped away the tears on her cheeks and moved out of the way for the commander and Indra to take their places at the front of the tent. Clark and I stood in front of the commander holding hands. Hoping that she would be okay with what Clark did.

"Blood has answered blood. Some on my side say that's not enough. They wanted the murderer to suffer as our tradition demands. But they do not know that your suffering will be worse. What you did tonight will haunt you until the end of your days. Still, there will be restitution. The body will be given to the people of Tondc. Murderer and murdered joined by fire. Only then can we have peace."

"No. No, we've done enough." My dad said stopping them from doing this. "The boy should be buried by his own people."

"Enough? We were owed the pain of 18 deaths. We were owed our righteous kill. My village deserves justice."

"You don't want justice. You want vengeance."

"You have not seen my vengeance."

"We'll do it." Clark stopped Indra, Abby, and my dad's arguing. "But when it's over, we talk about how to get our people out of Mount Weather. All of our people."

"We want the same things, Clark."

"Good. When do we leave?"

"Now. Choose your attendants."

Clark tried to walk out of the tent but Abby stopped her. "Clark, you don't have to do this."

"Yes I do. If this truce doesn't hold then I killed Finn for nothing."

We watched Clark exit the tent. "I'll look after her, Abby." I assured her before walking after Clark.

When I reached Clark she was standing still, watching Raven who was holding Finn on her lap.

"Go away." Raven said keeping her eyes on Finn's body.

I Loved Him**Bellamy Blake [2] (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz