Fog of War

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Sam's POV

"Okay tell me again." Bellamy asked Clark and I.

We looked at each other before going over it again. "It's a labyrinth. We got to the dam through the tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in. "

"Sure. If we can get past the reapers and the Mountain Men. I swear to go if your mom doesn't sanction and mission soon, I'm going by myself."

"You won't be by yourself." I intertwined our figures. Bellamy looked at me and nodded before placing a kiss on my forehead. Clark looked almost scared when she looked behind us. Bellamy and I turned our bodies to where she was looking and just seeing him made my blood boil.

"Guess the inquisition is over. How's Finn doing, anyway?"

Clark looked a little guilty when he asked that question. "I haven't talk to him since we got back. I don't know what to say. He just kept shooting."

"We're at war, Clark. We've all done things."

"If it makes you feel any better, I haven't talked to him either." I added. " nor do I want to. So if you'll excuse me." I stood up and shrugged my jacket on. Bellamy gave me a look but I ignored it and went to my room. I guess Bellamy must have felt awkward around them, because soon he was following me.

"Couldn't take the tension, huh?" I joked sitting down on our bed and kicking off my boots.

"Nope nor do I want to." Bellamy flopped down next to me.

I laughed and shrugged my coat off next. Before I was able to stand up to place it on a chair, Bellamy grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked ignoring the feeling of lust that had come.

"I don't know. We'll figure something out." Bellamy quickly replied. While I chose to ignore the feeling of lust, Bellamy decided to act upon it.

He brought my lips down to his. At first it was just a simple kiss, but eventually it deepened and soon enough we were both getting undressed. 😉


"What are we gonna do about Finn?" I asked.

Bellamy chuckled and slightly rolled his eyes. "You seriously thinking about that right now?"

Bellamy laid on top of me while I laid on my back. My hands rubbed up and down his bare sides while he placed butterfly kisses on my lips and bare chest.

"Of course I'm thinking about it. I can't believe we left Clark alone with him."

"Clark's fine. She's outside, surrounded by other people. Plus Finn wouldn't hurt her. So just relax." Bellamy leaned down and placed more kisses on my neck. I bit my lip and released a small moan when he reached the middle of my neck. I bit down on my lip again and thought about it.

"But what if he does?" Bellamy groaned and pulled his head away but still stayed where he was. "You said it yourself, Finn's changed. He's...different now. A bad different."

I Loved Him**Bellamy Blake [2] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now