Blood Must Have Blood

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Sam's POV

Lexa had the rest of Sky People including Clark in her tent. I went with Indra and Octavia in the mines. Our job was to get the prisoners out through the reaper tunnels.

"According to Lincoln's map we're getting close." Octavia said looking down at the map Lincoln made for us. "It's a maze. Lincoln should be here to show us the way."

"O, he wasn't ready. Even he knew that. He'll do well fighting with the commander." I comforted her.

We heard a noise behind us and one of the guards started shooting. "Stop! The reapers are not the enemy!" Indra grabbed the guards arm and stopped him.

"We don't kill them unless..."

I was cut off by the reapers shouting and surrounding us. Jackson turned on the tuner while the rest of us stabbed tranquilizer darts in their neck. Then we tied their hands and feet before continuing.

We reached the door soon after the run in with the reapers. "You did good Octavia from Tree People" Indra complimented Octavia on finding the door. "You're one of us now."

"What about Sam? She helped me, without her.."

"She's the commander's second. She already is one of us."We waited by the door for only a few minutes before the horn to retreat went off. "Let's go."

"Indra wait. They're still in there."

"And our commander is out there. For all we know she's under attack."

"I don't trust her. Not after Tondc. And neither should you."

"I gave you a direct order."

"Please, this was the plan. If we're not here with the tone generators when they come out..."

"Plans change! Octavia, let's go."

"I'm not going anywhere without my brother."

Indra stepped forward and placed her knife on Octavia's throat. "You are no longer my second." She cut her neck slightly before leaving. Jackson and the guards soon followed.

"You're not going with them?" Octavia asked me, clearly upset about what just happened.

"Without Bellamy. Hell no."


Octavia and I sat with our back against the pin placed underneath the chute that Clark and I came out of with Anya. We hear the buzzer going on and someone sliding down.

"About damn time." Octavia mumbled and pushed herself up. I followed. We turned to the inside of the pin just as the body landed in it. Except this body was a dead body.

"Fox." I whispered recognizing the girl's features. We pulled away from the pin when we heard loud footsteps coming. Octavia pulled out her sword while I pulled out mine. We went to attack but stopped when we realized it was Clark.

"Octavia. Sam. You stayed."

"Screw you Clark." Octavia said turning her back to her. "Of course we stayed. We know where our loyalties lie."

I Loved Him**Bellamy Blake [2] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now