Chapter 1

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Dean walked into the school with his little brother, Sam, right behind him, just like every day. Something felt different today, though he couldn't figure out what it was. He smiled at the group of cheerleaders ogling him as he walked by, just like every day. He walked to his locker, Sam still right behind him jabbering about something nerdy, just like everyday. He spotted Jo across the hall waiting for him when he was finished at his locker, just like everyd... no, wait. He found the something different. Standing next to Jo, chatting amicably was a brown haired, blue eyed, beauty. This gorgeous stranger was laughing at something Jo said when Dean finally got across the hall. "Those eyes... those hands... eyes... no, stop! We talked about this, Dean. No more." He argued with himself as Jo introduced him.

"Castiel, this is Dean, my best friend and Sam his little brother. Dean and Sam, this is Castiel, my new friend." Castiel smiled at Dean and Sam after the introductions were made.

"Nice to meet you, Cas." Dean laughed nervously and prayed to god that Castiel didn't mind the nickname, which was a spur of the moment thing. Cas didn't seem to have a problem with it, and actually smiled a little brighter while returning the greeting.

"Hey, Cas," Dean started as they began to walk towards the classrooms, "lemme see your schedule. We might have some classes together!" Cas smiled shyly and passed him a piece of paper with the schedule. "Oh, cool! Looks like we've got Auto Shop first together, lunch, and math seventh. You're taking some pretty advanced classes for a junior." Dean added glancing at the name and grade in the top corner. 'Novak, Castiel. Grade: 11'.

Cas smiled again, making Dean's knees go weak, "Yes, my family expects it of me, but I don't mind. I'm smart enough so why not?"

"That sounds... good?"

Cas laughed, the sound of it music to Dean's ears, "It's alright, I suppose. I send a lot of time studying!"

They arrived at the classroom and split apart, Castiel to speak to the teacher and Dean to take his seat in the back. Dean's mind flashed back to two years ago when he finally told his dad he had a crush on a guy. Dean was confused and hoped his dad could help him out. They were in the living room and it was so cold outside the windows were all fogged over. "Dad?" Dean suddenly said.

"Yes, son?" He miraculously wasn't drinking, so Dean thought, now or never.

"Can I tell you something? I need some help."

"Of course you can. Why wouldn't you think you could?" Dean glanced over at him accusingly. "Okay, okay, so maybe there is a reason, but I'm done drinking. Promise."

"Okay, so theres this person. And I really like them, but... well... itsaguy." Dean rushed out the ending, scared to death of his father's reaction. It was silent for what felt to Dean like 1,000 years while his father processed Dean's words, though in actuality it was only about two seconds.

"WHAT? I WON'T HAVE A FAGGOT LIVING IN MY HOUSE! I DIDN'T RAISE YOU THIS WAY! WHAT WOULD YOUR MOTHER THINK?" Dean flinched at his yelled words, especially when his mom was mentioned. Dean's father continued to scream as he 'beat the gay' out of his older son. After that Dean's father was never seen without a beer bottle in his hand. Dean made it up to his father by hooking up with girl after girl. He made his father believe he had, in fact, managed to beat the gay out of him, and after two years of almost daily beatings, Dean started to believe it too... until he saw Castiel walking back to the empty seat next to his and he smiled at Dean with those perfect pink lips and twinkling blue eyes shining with joy, behind 'nerd' glasses, as Dean calls them. He immediately knew he was doomed.

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