Chapter 15

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  Dean woke up on the last day of school to the smell of bacon wafting up the stairs. He got up slowly, careful not to wake Sammy, who had taken to sleeping with him most night. He reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Gabriel sitting on the couch in the living room reading the newspaper. Dean didn’t speak to him, but continued to the kitchen where the smell was now not only bacon, but French toast as well. Dean’s mouth began to water. Cas was standing at the stove with his back to Dean when he entered the kitchen. Dean reached his arms around Cas’s small waist and squeezed lightly. He breathed into Cas’s neck and enjoyed the feel of the smaller boy in his arms. “I decided to make breakfast for my favourite high school graduate today.” Cas said turning around to face Dean with a smile.

“Hey, I thought I was your favourite graduate!” Gabe said from the living room.

“You’re kind of a close second,” Cas called back. The boys in the kitchen heard Sam tell Gabe he was his favourite graduate even if Cas didn’t appreciate him. They all laugh while Dean and Cas bring breakfast to the table.

  Five minutes after they began to eat, Jo and Charlie walked through the front door, Jo announcing their entrance loudly. “Come on guys! The last day of school! We gotta get there earl- is that bacon!?” Nothing got Jo more excited than bacon. “Maybe school can wait,” she said grabbing a piece of bacon. Charlie who was still getting used to being included in their group sat down slowly in the last open seat next to Dean. They all chatted about summer plans while they ate, until finally it was time to leave. The last day flew by for everyone and soon they were all free with nothing to do.

  Dean, Cas, and Sam laid on Dean’s bed all day and watched movies. “Dean, Sam?” Cas said while the credits on their third movie of the day were rolling, “I love you both so much. Thank you.” Dean kissed Cas and Sam on the forehead and said, “And I love both of you more!”


Im so sorry this wasn't updated sooner! I might continue with a sequel in a few months if you guys want me to, nut right now I lack the inspiration and time. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks for reading!!

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